GRE Argument 169重新选题
收起The following appeared in a memo from the mayor of Brindleburg to the city council.
"Two years ago, the town of Seaside Vista opened a new municipal golf course and resort hotel. Since then, the Seaside Vista Tourism Board has reported a 20% increase in visitors. In addition, local banks reported a steep rise in the number of new business loan applications they received this year. The amount of tax money collected by Seaside Vista has also increased, allowing the town to announce plans to improve Seaside Vista's roads and bridges. We recommend building a similar golf course and resort hotel in Brindleburg. We predict that this project will generate additional tax revenue that the city can use to fund much-needed public improvements."
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
两年前Seaside Vista建造了一个新的市立高尔夫球场和度假旅馆。这两年来,Seaside Vista的旅客增加了20%。此外,当地银行报告指出本年度它们收到的新企业贷款申请激增。Seaside Vista的税收也增加了,使得该地宣布了改造路桥的计划。我们建议在Brindleburg建立一个和Seaside Vista类似的高尔夫球场和度假旅馆,预计这项工程会创造额外税收收入,令本地有可用于急需的公共建设的资金。