黄金口语80题 Topic 28 重新选题
收起Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of first observation. Some people believe it takes a long time to know a person well. Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?
(1)specifically express your stand.
(2)ideally include 2 reasons for your answer.
(1) take a long time to know a person well
1) First impression can be deceiving. It often happens that you overturn your first impression of someone after you spend a long time with him.
2) People may behave differently in front of strangers and intimate friends. You may not see who they really are upon first observation.
(1) Well,in my opinion, I definitely think it is better to...
(2) There are a couple of reasons for my preference.
(3) First, ..
(4) Second, ...