TPO 第13套口语 Question 4 重新选题
收起Perceptual Constancy
How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eye than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not of perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.
收起Explain what is meant by “Perceptual constancy”, using the examples provided by the professor.
收起1、题目关键词: Perceptual constancy, examples
(1)Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage.
(2)Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor. When orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some key examples as well.
(1) perceptual constancy refers to the phenomenon where we can still recognize objects even if they are viewed through a different angle or from a distance.
(2) Without perceptual constancy,we may have difficulty recognizing the same object viewed differently.
(1)the professor gives us two examples to illustrate perceptual constancy.
(2)the first example is about a plate. If being held directly in front of people, it will be a perfect circle.But being tied to an angle, it will be an oval. The thing is a plate is still perceived as a plate.
(3)the second example is about the professor himself. No matter whether the students sit in the front row or at the back row, they will always think the person is the professor.
(1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic. 当然,如果你觉得你的听力材料的理解率很高也不用谈及阅读材料中的内容。只是第一段说起来实在太easy了。
(2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that...本段可以省略,但是前提是你对于听力材料理解率很高,不会时间未到却无话可说了。
(3) In the lecture, the professor...不但要包括主要的观点而且最重要的是要包括教授举出的例子。