Delta备考策略与模拟试题 Quiz 8 口语 Question 4 重新选题
收起The Convoy
The term “convoy” describes the network of social relationships that everyone carries forward through life. The convoy provides valuable social support because it forms a protective layer of family and friends who help a person manage the challenges of life. The members of one’s convoy are the individuals with whom one has close and intimate relationships. The convoy does not remain static as it moves through time. Rather, membership changes over the years. New members are added, and members are lost, but the core members of the convoy tend to remain constant over long periods.
收起Explain the convoy and how the examples given by the professor illustrate the concept.
收起1、题目关键词:explain, examples
(1)summarize the concept of convoy.
(2)use specific examples given by the professor to explain.
(1)Convoy is the network of social relationships that everyone carries forward through life.
(2)The members of one’s convoy are the individuals with whom one has close and intimate relationships.
(3)Membership of the convoy changes over time.
(1)The people most likely to part of our convoy are parents, siblings, friends, spouses, partners and even pets.
(2)In our 20s, friends are probably the biggest percentage of our convoy. In our 30s, we may lose some of our friends. In middle age, we focus more on maintaining core members of our convoy. After retirement, our convoy shrinks and remaining ones increase importance.
(1)In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture on this topic.
(2)The reading material mainly introduces ...
(3)In the listening material, the professor discusses ...
(4)First,... Second,...