DELTA冲刺试题 Test 5 综合写作题目重新选题
收起At the beginning of the twentieth century, French psychologist Alfred Binet devised the first test of human intelligence. The test consisted of problems of increasing difficulty that were designed to measure children’s judgment, reasoning, and comprehension. Shortly after Binet’s original work, psychologist Lewis Terman of Stanford University refined and standardized the test for American children. This test became known as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, which was first published in l9l6 and revised several times after that. Terman and his colleagues developed the idea of the 1Q, or intelligence quotient. IQ is a measurement of general intelligence, 21 number representing the ratio of mental age (performance on the test) to actual chronological age in years. IQ has proven to be an accurate measurement of a child’s potential to achieve in school and later in professional life. The most recent version of the Stanf0rd—Binet test is still being used today and remains one of the worlds most widely used and accurate tests of general intelligence. It has produced reliable results for individuals from age two through adulthood.
Intelligence testing has caused great excitement within the scientific community and the larger society. Many psychologists agree that intelligence testing is psychology’s greatest achievement. Intelligence testing and IQ are important scientific developments with great social utility beyond the prediction of school achievement. Intelligence tests are now available to evaluate people for specific purposes, such as military service, placement in industrial organizations, and even social companionship.
收起Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.
Key point 1: IQ is an accurate measurementof a child’s potential to achieve in school and later in professional life.
Key point 2: Intelligence tests canevaluate people for purpose such as military, placement in industrialorganizations, and social companionship.
Key point 3: IQ is a measurement of generalintelligence.
Key point 4: IQ is an accurate measurementof the potential to achieve in school and in professional life.
Key point 1: Intelligence test alone,particularly IQ tests, cannot predict greatness or achievement in life.
Key point 2: Many psychologists think thatmost intelligence tests are really just testing a child’s ability to do well inschool.
Key point 3: The concept of IQ is useful inidentifying “school-house intelligence”, but IQ cannot explain the source oforiginal ideas and beautiful creations.
Key point 4: A new theory of intelligenceconsiders a person’s motivation and creativity more important than a high IQ inpredicting achievement.