DELTA冲刺试题 Test 6 综合写作题目重新选题
收起In animals and humans, genes determine the general size and shape of the organism, but there may also be variation in physical characteristics due to environmental influences. All organisms function most efficiently under certain environmental conditions; however, an individual organism may react to some change in the environment with responses that change the form or internal structure of the body.
An organism’s environment includes nonliving factors such as temperature, water, and nutrients. The environment also includes biological factors: all the other organisms that are part of any individual’s environment. Environmental stimuli can have important effects on individual organisms, groups, and whole populations.
The influence of environmental factors is particularly effective during the formative stages of life, both before and after birth. The experiences of early life determine the physical and mental attributes of the young and thereby determine the characteristics of the adult. Early influences can have favorable or unfavorable effects on the young organisms development. Environmental factors exert such a strong influence on development that some physical or mental characteristics are difficult or impossible to change later in life.
Research on many types of animals and observations of human life have revealed that early environmental influences affect an individual initial rate of growth and resistance to various types of stress, as well as the ultimate body size of the adult. Environmental factors also affect learning ability and behavioral patterns in the young.
收起Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they support specific points made in the reading passage.
Key point 1: The influence of environmental factors is particularly effective during the formative stages of life. Early influences can have favorable effects on the young organism’s development.
Key point 2: Environmental factors exert such a strong influence on development that some physical characteristics aredifficult or impossible to change later in life.
Key point 3: Environmental factors affect learning ability and behavioral patterns in the young.
Key point 1: Any kind of stimulation of theyoung shortly after birth will affect the rate of growth and the resistance tostress. Stimulation can have positive or negative results.
Key point 2: Malnutrition early in life can have lifelong consequences. Deer for example.
Key point 3: Eating habits acquired early in life lend to last through out life. Rats for example.
Key point 4: Poor nutrition in children affects their mental development and their ability to learn in school.