Princeton Test 1 综合写作题目重新选题
收起Wilderness management has advanced greatly over the last century, due in part to such practices as the suppression of forest fires and limitations on the clear-cutting of trees. Monitoring forests for small brushfires is easier with aircraft, as is the use of large amounts of water and sophisticated chemical fire extinguishers to prevent fires from spreading.
The goals of decreasing the amount of destruction by fires and cutting are wide-ranging. One is simply the longer lives and improved health of tress. In some areas of hickory and oak forest on the Eastern Seaboard, fire suppression has allowed the maturation of so many trees that the treetops form a continuous canopy.
There is evidence of the healthful effects of fire suppression closer to the ground as well. Vines and low bushes that would be burned out in a forest fire can flourish when fires are suppressed, of course, but there is a more indirect way fires harm plant life. Chemical tests on areas that have recently experienced forest fires demonstrate that burning decreases the overall amount of nutrients in the soil. Suppressing fires prevents such a decrease. Ferns, wildflowers, and herbs grow without disturbance.
Finally, wildlife can benefit. In the eastern hickory and oak forests, the suppression of fires has meant that forest animals—ranging from small insects and birds to large deer and bears—are not burned to death. Deer populations, in particular, have increased notably.
收起Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.
Key point 1: Forest fires are harmful tothe land and should be stopped.
Key point 2: To have a lot of trees is goodfor the forest.
Key point 3: Forest fires take nutrientsout of the soil.
Key point 1: Forest fires are good to theforests.
Key point 2: If there is too many trees, itis difficult for some trees to get light and nutrition.
Key point 3: Burning a forest actually putsmore nutrients into the land.