

作者:佚名 来源:互联网 2013-10-24



       jar container
  jazz record // songs listen to music
  jeans and T-shirt casual dress
  job position
  job work
  join us with us
  judge punish
  just a minute soon
  just half of the normal load fewer sth.
  just happened to do be unintentional
  just last week recently
  just make a decision quickly
  keep an eye (out) on sth. (for sb.) help sb. find sth. // watch sth.
  keep an eye on watch
  keep an eye out for watch for
  keep current on the news get reports
  keep doing // carry on continue
  keep jamming be not working properly
  keep on // carry on with continue
  keep someone waiting be late
  keep to oneself not sociable
  keep to oneself not sociable
  keep track of be cognizant of
  keep up with study
  keep/prevent sb. from driving very fast reduce the driving speed
  kill time need sth. to do
  kind of // sort of a little // somewhat
  lab report // class workload
  laboratory experiment project
  lack of jobs // need work employment opportunities
  larger waist gain weight
  last time previously
  last week recently
  last year a while ago
  late delay
  late on time
  late this afternoon later in the day
  late this afternoon later on in the day
  lately recently
  later postpone
  later this week future
  latest bestseller recent book
  lay off // le sb. go lose one's job
  lay off let go // dismiss // fire
  lay off sb. // let sb. go lose one's job
  leave ... up to sb. decide about sth. for oneself
  leave // be so irresponsible be not careful with
  leave for // make for // set out for // set off for go to/toward
  leave the studio open late tonight // get this assignment done on time need extra time
  leave well enough alone do sth. as is
  lend // on loan borrow
  Let me finish this point, then He doesn't want to be interrupted.
  let sb. use lend sb.
  letter of recommendation reference
  life in the old west historical novel
  lift off one's shoulders be relieved
  light up smoke
  like best selection
  line by line methodically
  line/little/step/word by line/little/step/word gradually // methodically // in a logical way // one step at a time
  listen for one's phone answer/take one's calls
  listen to follow
  look after take care of
  look at the manual read the instruction
  look for a bigger apartment has too much furniture
  look for a needle in a hay stack be hard to find
  look for a room to rent look for a real estate agency
  look into check // inspect
  look on with share
  look on with share
  look over // proofread check // review // look through
  look over dominated
  look up to respect // admire
  look well in excellent health
  Look who's talking. He should follow his own advice.
  lose shed
  lose one's voice unable to talk
  lose track of time not realize what time it is
  lost misplace
  lost track of time didn't realize what time it was
  love // lover like
  love to fish enjoy go fishing
  lovely beautiful
  Lucky you! wish



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
