

作者:佚名 来源:互联网 2013-10-24



       I can't believe how good be more attractive than I expected
  I can't leave a project unfinished. I must complete everything I begin.
  I can't put it down! She's reading sth. interesting.
  I guess some about as ready as I ever be. She plans to give it today.
  I had no idea I didn't know
  I hate to get off on the wrong foot. She doesn't want to make a bad first impression.
  I have right here What she has with her
  I lent it to a guest. A visitor has borrowed it.
  I wouldn't mind doing sth. Doing sth. is all right with me.
  if ... could ... too ... to ...
  if I were in your shoes if I were you
  if only (I wish) ... should/could/would have done
  if only too ... to ... // not // be tired of
  I'll burst I've overeaten
  I'll say. agree
  illegal against the law
  I'm about to I plan to do
  I'm as in the dark as you are. I don't know/understand either.
  I'm beat. I'm tired. // I'm exhausted.
  imitation substitute
  immediately quickly
  immediately successful a ready market
  immensely very much
  important breakthroughs significant research
  in a little while soon
     in a minute quickly
  in advance before hand
  in any event definitely
  in every home common household items
  in good shape new
  in hand easy access to
  in less than a week // in three days quickly
  in my sleep be asleep
  in no time // in next to no time // any time/minute immediately // quickly // shortly // soon
  in shape healthy
  in the dark not understand
  in the dark not understand
  in the red // raise one's dues increase the membership fee
  in time // no way be late
  in upside down not correctly positioned
  inconsiderate thoughtless
  inexpensive affordable
  inexpensive affordable // availability
  inquire check for
  inside out on the wrong way
  insist on being so independent should get someone to help with
  instruction direction
  internship get a good job later
  interruption bothering
  interview // resume job
  introductory course begin to study
  iron horse train // locomotive // railroad
  irregular infrequent
  irrelevant to have little to do with
  irresponsible isn't careful with
  isn't warm enough too cold
  It came in the mail yesterday from my mom and dad. It was a present from his parents.
  It could be better. It's not very good.
  It could be worse. It's not too bad.
  It couldn't be better. It's the best/excellent.
  It couldn't be worse. It's the worst/too bad.
  It doesn’t matter. Sb. should not apologize.
  It is incompressible It can't be compressed
  It just makes me uncomfortable to ask my friend to wait on me. He doesn't like to bother people.
  It looks a lot worse that it feels. His eye doesn't hurt very much.
  It must be clear who's winning by now. The game began some time ago.
  It only does that when it’s warming up. The noise will be gone soon.
  it poured // postpone it be canceled because of the weather
  It remains to be seen wonder
  It runs well and I've actually grown quite attached to it. He's satisfied with the car.
  It’s only the first class sb. have missed all term. Missing the class would not harm sb.
  It's about time ... for quite a while
  It's easier said than done. It will be difficult for sb. to do sth.
  It's just overcast. Sb. doesn't need an umbrella.
  It's my dad's shop. She works there.
  It's one's fault. Sb. be to blame.
  It's only been there an hour. It's too soon to go back there.
  It's only noon. in half a day
  It's out of the question no be able to do sth.
  I've been putting it off. He hasn't done any work yet.



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
