

作者:佚名 来源:互联网 2013-10-24



       cake // apple pie dessert
  cake // chocolate dessert
  call an agency hire someone
  call for an appointment // on one's calendar schedule
  call it a day not need to do sth. today
  call off cancel
  can do it with one's eyes closed memorize every part of
  can find only one can't find one
  can hardly breathe be bothered
  can hardly contain oneself be beside oneself
  can hardly wait to do look forward to doing // can't wait to do // be anxious to do
  Can you believe it? unbelievable
  cancel not do sth. // call off // stop
  cancer // doctors and dentists medical // medicine field
  can't // out of the question not be able to
  can't afford a lot select an inexpensive gift
  can't believe be surprised
  can't do (A) until do (B) be not ready to do (A)
  can't fit it in be too busy to do sth.
  can't fit it in too busy
  can't get away with that will get into trouble
  can't make any sense out of sth. find sth. confusing
  can't make heads or tails of sth. don't understand sth. at all
  can't put it down interesting
  can't put the book down the book is interesting
  can't recognize looks different
  can't stick around have to go
  can't stick around have to go
  can't stop doing // day and night constantly
  can't tell sth. apart sth. seem identical
  can't turn down an offer be eager to go
  can't wait to see the look on one's face be anxious to see one's reaction
  care concern
  carry out the plan implement the plan
  cash money
  cash a check get some money
  cassette record
  casual informally
  catch cold get sick
  catch sth. when sth. opens in someplace see sth. when sth. go to someplace
  catch up on make up
  challenge // get stuck solve
  chance time
  change money
  change not ... same // different // new
  change of pace diversion
  change one's mind after all had previously said
  change ones' seats from a different row
  charge pay // fine
  check ask
  check look in // inspect // repair
  check it out find out
  check out // reference book inaccurate
  check out find out
  check sth. with call
  check with sb. ask sb.
  cheerful happy
  chewing gum magnate // purchased the island for three million dollars a wealthy developer
  chilli ... hot spicy
  choose decide
  choose select
  chop down cut down
  chop down cut down
  circulation desk library
  class course
  clean out // a big appetite eat all the food
  clean out the refrigerator // fix a snack // not many leftovers eat all the food
  clean up put in order
  clear off reorganize
  clear out remove
  clear out remove
  clever smart
  climate weather
  clinic infirmary
  close miss
  coat // sweater // late tonight be cool in the evening
  coffee drink
  cold // Arctic temperature winter
  cold warm
  collect hunt
  collect and take pick up and deliver
  combine with (A) to do any good by oneself (B) be not useful
  come a long way improve
  come along progress
  come and watch enjoy
  come back return
  come down with the flu become ill
  come handy benefit
  come in handy be useful
  come in handy useful // benefit
  come into money/a fortune/a legacy receive money
  come out publish
  come right out and ask sb. confront sb. directly
  come to attend // go to see
  come up with find
  community college different school
  competition contest
  completely assembled // only partly finish putting them together
  completely unhindered // a single region economically unified
  completely unknown totally new
  components parts
  computer division computer department
  concentrate on doing one's school work spend one's time studying
  concentrate on one exhibit for the day see only a part of the museum in a day
  concert event
  confront argue with
  contest competition
  cook at home prepare their own meals
  corporation company
  correct all the typing errors // read through the paper again check the paper for mistakes
  cost sb. an arm and a leg be very expensive
  costs // pay // twice be more expensive than
  costs of textbooks expensive
  could be worse not be as bad as they seem
  could have a few days to think about sth. would like time to decide
  could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing fell asleep before the program ended
  Could you give me a hand? Could I use a hand?
  couldn't go to be unable to attend
  couldn't have hoped for a better outcome be pleased with the results
  couldn't make out didn't understand
  count (A) in (A) do sth. with (B)
  count sb in sb. wants to go, too
  count sb. in // happy to report sb. be available want to do sth.
  count sb. out not expect sb. to go along
  course schoolwork
  cover more classes more work as a instructor
  cover school expenses pay school fees
  creative inventive
  cross-town schedule information about the buses
  cultural activities cultural offerings
  current more recent
  current recent
  cut down on the number of people crossing one's lawn keep others from walking on one's property



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
