

作者:佚名 来源:互联网 2013-10-24



       back return
  back up tie up
  backpack knapsack
  band try out want to play in the band
  bargain purchase
  be a little rusty not do sth. very much
  be a while wait
  be about to // busy no time
  be about to lift the pan will soon be allowed
  be astonished be surprised
  be at attend
  be booked up reserve
  be bored have nothing better to do
  be certainly/definitely news be surprised
  be crowded be well-attended
  be done complete
  be done with // be through with be finished with
  be due Friday be paid by the end of the week
  be excited // can hardly wait look forward to (doing) sth.
  be exhausted stay at home and rest
  be fed eat
  be free not busy
  be in one ear and out the other doesn't listen
  be increasing controlled by banks be more dependent on loans from banks
  be ineligible/unfit/unsuitable for can't enter
  be interested in // can't put it down enjoy
  be just a little short of need to find a few more
  be left behind get lost
  be longer than it needs to be not need to be so long
  be made of/from composition
  be not good with dates have trouble remembering when things happen
  be off // restriction eliminate
  be off in a minute end sth. quickly
  be on a diet go on a diet
  be on duty at the library go to work
  be on time // set one's watch be punctual
  be only human sb. expects too much from oneself.
  be onto something promising
  be out of off
  be out of date no longer be correct
  be out of earshot be too far away
  be out of one's mind be a foolish idea // make a bad decision
  be out of shape/steam // crawl be/get/dog tired // tired/worn out // run down
  be over change
  be over at one // after that in the afternoon
  be overwhelmed with be busy with
  be pretty happy with seem to like
  be pretty rusty lose some of one's skill
  be really dedicated do one's best
  be really onto sth. Sth. seems promising.
  be really pretty crowded // stand in the aisles be very well attended
  be short of one course need to take another course
  be sold out not ... any more
  be still on for next week continue the following week
  be still working keep one's job
  be supposed to be easy // not ... do well in // isn't easy difficult
  be tested on it read the page carefully
  be the obvious choice would get the job
  be through in next no time be nearly finished
  be through it in two days be a fast reader
  be tied up in // have one's hands full // have a tight schedule too busy
  be up to // over one's head not succeed
  be up to sb. // count on sb. sb. can decide // sb. may make the decisions
  be useful help
  be/feel under the weather be/feel (a little) ill/sick
  be/get used to (doing) sth. be/get accustomed to sth.
  be/run low on sth. buy sth.
  be/stay up (doing) make a night of it
  beach seashore
  beach seashore
  before earlier than
  before law and order were established // cheating and robbing each other lawless
  before long // right away // by and by // on short notice immediately // quickly // shortly // soon
  before we start our first lab at the beginning of the semester
  begin one's study an introductory class
  believe ...? surprise
  best delicious // most appropriate
  best score perfect grade
  better improvement // so good // happy
  better off well off
  beyond sb. not understand
  big sale discount
  blow above the shore line hills come from over the hills
  boil down to wind up
  book reserve
  boring // have an/one eye on clock uninteresting
  boring uninteresting
  borrow lend
  borrow lend // loan // use
  both either
  breathe air pollution
  briefing be informed
  brighten one's spirits make one feel better
  bring tell
  bring sb. (back) sth. get sb. sth.
  broke no money
  budget money // price
  budget price
  bump into meet // see
  bump into sb. see sb.
  burn up furious // angry
  burst overeat
  business meeting // flight // late last night // keep up with that kind of pace have a busy schedule
  buy purchase
  buy purchased
  by all means definitely
  by and by in a short while
  by leaps and bounds quickly
  by leaps and bounds quickly
  by mail // through the mail in writing // write to
  by the time overdue
  by tomorrow quick



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
