

作者:极智批改网 来源:互联网 2013-08-22



       Do advertisements contribute to people's unhappiness and dissatisfaction?

       你可能会说,“哈利波特的例子怎么可能套上这个和广告有关的题目?!” 其实题目中的“unhappiness and dissatisfaction”告诉我们,关于“快乐”和“满足”的例子是可以使用的,只需稍做修正,就可以套上去。

Thesis:only boring and bad ads will piss you off

       Part 1:       Topic:有内在价值的广告会让你觉得学到了点什么。It doesn’t matter whether it is an advertisement or a movie, i.e., the medium doesn’t matter so long as the piece has some intrinsic values.       Example:Harry Potter is written for teenagers but its themes and stories can inspire adults.  然后举一个例子,比如说《哈利波特与混血王子》中邓布利多的死亡。The portrait of “death” is so delicate that even an adult will pause and think.同样的,如果一个广告也有inspiring and thoughtful theme, its value will satisfy your superego and bring you happiness.

       Part 2:       Topic: 幽默的广告能够让你在百忙中会心一笑,身心轻松。      
       Example:An intelligent humor will not just put a grin of understanding on your face, but also stop your rushing pace and make you think.这里可以再举《哈利波特》中的一个片段:乔治韦斯莱在一个耳朵被打掉后并没有怨天尤人,而是轻松地说“这样子妈妈就能分清我和Fred了”,让人感动万分!The positive energy of humor!然后来一段纯搞笑的广告的例子,比如说Old Spice的广告。Although it’s not humorous but only funny, it still makes your day and makes you laugh like an idiot.只要广告是幽默或者搞笑的,就没有人会抵挡它们的魅力。

       Part 3:       Topic: 视觉效果震撼的广告就像看电影一样,让人爽快       Example:Harry Potter movies’ previews consist of well-selected scenes.找一个preview详细描写。This kind of ad is just like avisual drug that is addictive, urging you to watch it over and over again. 稍作总结,这篇文章就算是大功告成了。 当学生们看到这篇文章时,无一不目瞪口呆。我告诉他们,“只要例子准备的够充分,任何题目都是可以找到切入口套用的”,关键是学会换个角度、换个思路去看问题!比如这道题,问的虽然是广告,但例子本身并不一定就要用广告。别被显而易见的想法束缚住了思绪!”

       我们再来看看2012年1月和6月的SAT真题: 2012年1月作文题目:Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done? 解题评论:这是典型的“失败-成功”theme。直接对照自己的素材库,看看哪方面素材比较多就行了。

       Thesis:We should value one’s potential more.例子:
       Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college and started his own business. 然后引申到Silicon Valley这一创造奇迹的地方的mission和attitude towards those who are genius but haven’t succeeded. 想想看那些venture capitalists还有无数的创业公司,能写的很多。
       Stalin的例子。Joseph Stalin was merely a nobody before climbing up his political career ladder. No one really cared about his maneuvers but he was a political genius. True, he hadn’t done anything great yet, but his potential as a political genius soon was realized and made him one of the most notorious dictators in the human history. We are looking back at his jobs, but for those who were his contemporaries, they could only know him by what he had done. His resume was blank but when his contemporaries failed to notice his capability, they soon paid the price of losing jobs or even their lives.
最后可以用哈利波特来总结。Harry Potter has disabled Voldemort. But to those who are around him, Harry’s courage and characteristics are much more fascinating than what he had done when he was one year old. 邓布利多给哈利波特那么多关怀和期待,not only because he was one of the Horcruxes, but also because he was courageous and loveable, and having the potential of being the leader of Hogwarts.


       2012年6月香港SAT作文考题:Should people respect and tolerate about others' opinion, or should they take stands against opinion that they think are wrong?

       2012年6月北美SAT作文考题:Does solving old problems lead to new ones?

       解题评论:这次的两道题目虽然一长一短,但是仔细分析来看其实内容并无二致,两道题目都可以用关于创新的例子来解答。先看香港题,这一次的香港题一如既往地延续了直白的特点,仔细看题目,前半部分respect and tolerate about others’ opinion,这个表达的意思很显然是想要说是否应该听从和采取他人的意见,那么他人的意见是什么?从广义来说就是已经建立好的成见,传统,主流意见,长辈父母亲戚朋友的意见,权威的意见。再看后文的take stands against opinion that they think are wrong,这里的opinion就是之前的那些意见,那这里说的就是反对这些传统或者他人的意见。说到这里,这道题的破题方式就已经很明显了。挑战权威,创新,成功需要勇气等等的例子都可以用在这道题上面。

       六月的北美题看似和香港题很不一样,其实也就是换汤不换药的类似题目。题目前半部分solving old problems很自然就会联想到解决旧的问题,与众不同,采用与传统习惯不同的方式方法,旧的问题同样也可以解释为经典,权威,那么同样地使用挑战权威,创新等方式来解。其实从本质上来看两道题目虽然表达方式截然不同,但是需要叙述的问题的本质还是一样的。 说完了破题的方式,我们再来说一说这篇文章的具体写作。这道题有很多种写作的方式,这里以创新为例子。大家知道写创新最好写的方式就是使用人物例证,这里我选用SAT中人见人爱的万人迷Bill Gates从哈佛退学的故事来写(以方便大家理解事例要如何在不同题目之间套用)。虽然两篇文章可使用的中心论点相同,但是考虑到题干部分的不同,文章的开头以及论证部分依然需要紧扣题目。比如,在写这道香港题时,应当突出在Bill Gates在想要从哈佛退学时受到的来自父母,朋友的阻力以及他们建议不要退学,继续在哈佛读下去,突出他们的这一others’ opinion的巨大阻力,然后在这其中再写Bill Gates在众人的一片反对声中依然坚持自己的意见,从而突出take stands against opinions;而在北美题中,解决旧的问题就可以紧扣是否听从父母的建议走老路,按照常规的路线在哈佛毕业,然后跟随父母做一名律师。但是如果不按照这样的既定路线而从哈佛退学,那就带来了一定的风险性。这里需要突出的是是否会带来新的问题,那么Bill Gates就用自身的经历证明了不会带来问题。在这样的写作中应当要突出的是Bill Gates在创业初期每天辛苦劳动,一定要突出细节,然后通过前后的对比写出解决旧的问题并不会带来新问题。

       这篇文章从写作手法上来看应当要强调前后事情的改变从而突出这一动作的重要性。从逻辑上来说,要证明一件事物或者一个动作的重要性的最好方法就是证明有这个事物和没有它的结果是截然不同的。在比尔盖茨从哈佛退学的这个事例中,如果比尔盖茨没有从哈佛退学,那么相应的根据事情的发展推测,他很有可能子承父业,在西雅图当地称为一名律师,凭借他的个人能力可能会成为一名不错的律师,但是绝对不会获得今天的成就。因此在比较中可以突出最后比尔盖茨的成功,但是一定要用具体的细节来描写。在SAT的写作中,一个很重要的技巧就是大家都知道的show not tell,因此比如说我们要写比尔盖茨最后非常成功,可以采用的方式有很多,但是最有效的方式是使用展示的方式。比如说可以说“他最后成为了全世界最有钱的人之一”,“无数企业家将他作为奋斗目标”,甚至“用电脑的人都知道比尔盖茨”等等。通过这样一种叙述事实的方式让读者自然发觉你想要描写的特质,从而使文章更具备说服力,同时逻辑上也更加连贯通顺。

       参考例文1:In this decadent society, people are becoming more and more mentally lazy. They are not willing to make creation but to follow what other people say from the start until the end. Admittedly, established opinions and habits do have their advantages and people can benefit from following them. However, great achievement and true acquisition are always obtained from brave innovation and independent pursuit. Sometimes it is necessary to take stands against traditional and conventional opinions.A lot of great people achieve their glorious possessions or social status through insisting their own idea. The life event of Bill Gates can well illustrate this point.

       When Bill Gates first entered Harvard University, he was no more than a simple rising freshman. He was born from a family with tradition of law. Both of his parents were name partners of a locally prestigious law firm. Upon entering the best university for the study of law, Bill Gates was naturally expected to become a lawyer by his relatives and friends. Everything was supposed to be arranged up for him. His parents had planned a life plan for him—after graduating from Harvard, go to a law school and become a laywer. His schedule was like a typical Harvard student’s—scored high grades in class test, actively express their ideas at discussion sessions, enthusiastically participate in local political events, went in and out of parties frequently, gambled on cards with his classmates—a common timetable practicing the motto of “work hard and play hard”. However, during that time, a silent revolution started to emerge. The concept of personal computer was going to change the way people store and process information. In the past, people had to record everything manually on the paper while after that time, they can transact information electronically. This was a very giant step in human civilization, as well as a huge business market. Anyone who got their products dominant into the market would make a large amount of money. Bill Gates acutely caught this great chance and wanted to start his enterprise. Unsurprisingly, this idea was opposed by most of his friends and even parents. They believed it was more stable and more possible for Bill Gates to stay at Harvard. However, after careful consideration, he quitted Harvard and started his own business firm. Bill Gates, with his best friend Paul Allen, founded Microsoft. In order to finish their product early, they worked up to 18 hours a day, took short nap in front of their working computer screen when tired, ate fast pizza in the lab when hungry. Finally, with such amazing diligence and perseverance, they succeeded. Their first product was bought by IBM. Afterwards, Microsoft , with its operating system, Windows, nearly monopolized the market for personal computer and it brought Bill Gates billions of money. Generations of businessmen later set him as a role model and all hope to be as successful as Bill Gates. Had Bill Gates not quitted Harvard, he might have become a locally famous lawyer like his parents, but never been as glorious as today.

       Given the events above, it is reasonable to choose one’s own way to succeed instead of completely following other’s opinion.

       参考例文2:The development of human civilization is possible because humans possess different opinions and opposite passions. Hegel says that the historical progress is fueled by the conflicts between thesis and antithesis, which eventually neutralize into synthesis and undergo another similar process. In other words, human history consists of numerous conflicts and their resulted compromises, which will find their new opposites soon. Without different opinions, civilizations will fall into stagnation and no more progress could be made. As members of a progressive species, we have the responsibility to represent our own opinions and honestly present them in public. To speak up against something we think is wrong is thus a virtue.

       Some may argue that the opinion one argues against might be correct. However, defining the correctness of an opinion is in itself subjective and groundless. Marxist ideology used to be worshiped widely during the interwar period in the early 20th century; however, the failure of Soviet experiment delegitimized Marxism and Communism, which turned into a taboo in American society. Recently, however, socialist ideals started regaining public favor thanks to the bad economy. It seems that the leftist ideology was facing a love-and-hate attitude during different time periods. To judge the correctness of an ideology while disregarding the historical context is thus inaccurate. Since opinions could not be labeled with “right” or “wrong” so easily, it is necessary to express one’s personal opinion freely so that it could be debated. The Declaration of Independence pronounces the absolute necessity of free speech. To speak up is not only to preserve one’s own identity, but also to contribute to the community. Conflicts generate progress, and debates inspire ideas. We can tolerate custom and difference, but when we feel obligated to point out what we think is wrong, we should not hesitate.

       Breaking one single twig is easy but breaking a bunch would be difficult. Without meeting its opponent, an extreme opinion will eventually gain a lot of followers and become unbreakable. The rise of Stalin represents the tragedy of ignoring an opposite opinion. By adopting the New Economic Policy, the Soviet Union was experiencing a relaxed political atmosphere before Stalin’s rise. Private business was allowed and agriculture was doing much better than the collective farm system in the past. However, no major Soviet politician was taking care of Stalin, who rose from an insignificant place to the head of Politburo. When his extremist supporters successfully controlled the government, his policies of terror became unchecked and widespread. Had someone taken stands against Stalin in an earlier stage, Stalin’s rise would be prevented to some extent. People, however, were too busy with their own business to voice their oppositions against Stalinist ideology, and they eventually faced the unbearable terror under Stalin’s regime. In short, the history of mankind tells us the importance of voicing our own opinions and debating with opinions that we think are wrong.



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