
TOEFL独立写作 185题库-95题高分范文赏析

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-07




Some people think governments should spend as muchmoney as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon andto other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spendthis money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do youagree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


When we see photographs of starving children,it’s hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on somethingsuperfluous like space exploration. Right now, we have enoughmoney to feed every person on Earth. Children are starving because ofmismanagement of resources and human greed. Those areproblems we can solve right here on earth. These shortcomings shouldn’t lead tofurther shortcomings.That shouldn’tstop our need to find out what’s beyond our own solar system.

There are two very practical and positive consequencesof space exploration. One is certain and one ispossible.The certainty is medicalresearch. Yes, we can conduct research here on earth. But much of the researchdone in space, for example, on the effects of gravity on the human body, ismaking a difference here on Earth. When we do research in space, we also learnmore about space exploration. Also, many of the inventions that were developedfor space are now used on earth.

The possible consequence of space exploration isfinding another planet human beings can use. Overpopulation is a huge problemon our planet. People are living longer, more healthful lives, and that’s agood thing. Butit means that more people will be alive at the same time, potentially causingovercrowding. Eventually we’ll have less and less space, fewer and fewerresources, and other major problems. If we can find another planet to live on,we can relieve the problems of overpopulation on our planet.

Unfortunately, many people are suffering on earth; buttechnology and space exploration do not depend on these factors.The problem of human suffering on earth canbe solved without involving space exploration or its funding.Rather, humans need to change their ways ofthinking about the funds already available.




1.Right now, wehave enough money to feed every person on Earth. 这句话在语言修辞上真的很一般,但其暗示对比用得如此恰当,rightnow与上文的Whenwe see photographs of starving children是个时间对比,既然出现了时间上的对比,那也就意味着有观点的转折,所以本句也是重点阅读的句子,以及它后面的一句话很可能是作者的主要观点。

2.Children arestarving because of mismanagement of resources and human greed.这句话的时态是个重点,bedoing是现在进行时,强调正在进行的动作,其作用是让读者脑海中产生画面感,即很多可怜的孩子正处于饥饿状态,让读者瞬间产生怜悯之心。之后的原因提出的非常可观和理性,资源的不均分配确实是个很严重的问题。同时,由于人类的本性贪婪也是一大罪魁祸首,没有贪婪也就不会导致资源的掠夺和剥削,人类也不会出现种种由于资源短缺问题而引发的一系列悲剧,如战争,饥荒等。

3.There are twovery practical and positive consequences of space exploration.这句话的句式是个万金油的形式,譬如practicaland positive consequences这两个正面特征的词汇就非常实用,任何好的结果和原因都可以这样形容。再加上Therebe句型,显得更有三维立体感了。

4.But it means thatmore people will be alive at the same time, potentially causing overcrowding.Eventually we’ll have less and less space, fewer and fewer resources, and othermajor problems.第一句话写得非常精彩,在于逗号后面的现在分词作状语,表伴随,这样的写作手法较为高级。第二句话对比较级的排比非常值得借鉴,让读者进一步意识到资源的枯竭。

5.If we can findanother planet to live on, we can relieve the problems of overpopulation on ourplanet.这句话有个用法是“解决问题”relievethe problems,其常见替换用法为solvethe problems, 或settle the problems.


本文逻辑结构清晰明了,一共分为四个段落来论证。全文的论证形式颇为新颖。第一段并没有直接提出中心论点,是先把众人心中的疑虑摆明说清,然后在慢慢引入主要观点,在第一段内就使用了让步转折的写法,非常值得借鉴。之后在第二段第三段,作者都在说明space exploration的好处,比如进行科学研究或解决资源稀少以及人口压力等问题。最后一段作者回到现实,说明现在社会的现状,即很多问题其实并不需要space exploration解决,而需要人类观念的转变。



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