
英文求职文书:Cover Letter怎么写

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-04-03


Do not let cover letters intimidate you. A copy of the Cover Letter Writing handout is included in your Job Finder account. Here are some tips to conquer the cover letter:

 Do not let cover letters intimidate you. A copy of the Cover Letter Writing handout is included in your Job Finder account. Here are some tips to conquer the cover letter:
  Paragraph 1
• Introduce yourself, your major, your year of graduation.
• Inform the company how you learned about the position.
• Mention any contacts that you know in the company and any discussions with that individual. that might influence the company’s interest in you as a candidate.
• One-two sentences on why you are interested in the opportunity.

 Paragraph 2-3
• As you read the job description or information about the company, make note of items that catch your attention.
• This is the section that you sell yourself to the specific job or company by showing the company how you are the candidate that they are seeking.
• Highlight your soft-skills, such as your ability to lead a team, communicate effectively, handle pressure, time management, etc.
• Comment on something positive about the organization (reputation, sales record, size, corporate culture, management philosophy, mission statement or values of the company). Show that you have done some research on the organization.
• Do not restate what is on your resume.

  Paragraph 4
• Thank the company for reviewing your credentials.
• State when you will follow-up.
• Provide your email and phone number for the company to reach you.
• Re-express your interest in the position and organization.



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
