

作者:韦晓亮 来源:极智批改网 2014-01-15






——雅思写作论证论据素材大全 韦晓亮


第一大类 学校教育与校园文化类

1. 教育的重要性
In today’s society, education is really important. Education has evolved a lot over time and has greatly shaped American society. Back in the old days, education was not that important, because many jobs did not have educational requirements. In those days, you could have a high school diploma and get a good job. Today, if you only have a high school diploma, the types of jobs that you can get are restricted(受限制的)to fast food restaurant cashiers (收银员) or even construction workers. Getting a college degree is very essential to your success and your opportunity to get a good job that pays well.

2. 终身学习
The term “lifelong learning” indicates that learning does not stop at the end of compulsory education (义务教育). It is a continuous process and can continue throughout a person’s life. The use of the word “learning” as opposed to “education” suggests a difference between the formal framework (框架) of compulsory education required of children and young people and the more relaxed learning environment enjoyed by adults.

3. 学习方式
Each of us learns and absorbs information in different ways. Many teachers simply talked to us, and we answered their questions. Schools taught in such a way and didn’t assist or encourage us to learn in our unique ways. There are many different techniques to classify learning styles such as perceptual modality (感知模式) and information processing(信息加工). Perceptual modalities define biologically-based reactions to our physical environment and represent the most efficient way we adopt data. By learning our perceptional(认知的)style, we can seek out information most directly. Information processing distinguishes the way we sense, think, solve problems, and remember information. Each of us has a preferred, consistent and distinct way of perceiving(感知), organizing, and retaining(保存)information.

4. 教育的基础
What is the purpose of education? What is education for?  Education, would be to learn or to gain knowledge of something through the teaching of others or through self-learning (自学). One of the definitions from the Webster’s dictionary states that education is the activities of instructing or teaching, activities that impart(传授) knowledge or skills. The two most important words about education are teaching and learning. Why do we teach? By definition, teachers are leaders, and to put it simply leaders lead. Teachers lead their students through the path of knowledge. According to the Foundation of Education text, teachers also demonstrate leadership by working with others and modeling desirable behaviors.

5. 教育的价值
“If you think the price of education is high, find out the price of ignorance (无知). You will pay for ignorance everyday for the rest of your life.” Parents often ponder (思考) the real value of  college education as college costs continue to grow and rates exceed inflation(通货膨胀). Keeping in mind that one does not necessarily need to obtain a degree to “enjoy life”, especially financially. Then still, “What is the value of a college education? ” An individual gains value from college education as he/she learns to think critically, put the acquired knowledge into practice, understand one’s true self, and recognize others’ values. Expectations are also reached.

6. 优先教育的必要性
China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass (超越)the developed ones. I think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority(优先考虑)to the development of culture, science and especially education. In modern times, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force (劳动力) is of primary importance. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation’s prosperity mainly depends on its labor force, especially those who have been well educated. In a developing country like China, our investment in culture, education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. This is crucial for China to catch up with the developed nations in today’s surging (汹涌)waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gap between China and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.

7. 对学生的全方位培养
We need to provide young people with the most possibility of doing well at school. In traditional curriculum there is a wide variety of subjects with a mix of academic (学术) and non-academic (非学术)subjects. In this way a young person is formed with a well-rounded education (通才教育). Non-academic subjects would include sports, cooking, woodwork(木工) and metalwork(金属加工). I believe this is the best form of education. A young person should learn things other than academic subjects. Sport is particularly important. Young people have to learn to love sport so that they can be fit and healthy in their future life. Otherwise, we will be raising an obese and unfit generation.

8. 政府在教育中的责任
I believe that local, state, and federal governments are responsible for the appropriation (拨款) of funds for school systems to meet their students’ educational needs. This includes providing adequate facilities for schools, hiring trained and experienced school administrators, and offering tempting salaries to attract highly qualified educators. Although supplying the adequate funds for school systems is not always an easy task, it should enjoy the priority. Unfortunately, too many schools are forced to rely on standardized test scores as a means of additional funding from the government, and this focus should be shifted to other criteria (评判标准) of school performances.

9. 对学校的选择
Every year thousands of junior and senior high school students face the difficult question about what they want to do with their lives after high school. Choosing a college means venturing (冒险) into a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. An exciting experience awaits teenagers when coming to this point in life. Or is it a world of unknown risks? Students have a wide variety of options (选择) when it comes to making their decisions. Some of these students choose a path that will take them to higher levels of education at a prestigious(名声显赫的) four-year college or university, while others take the option of staying close to home at a community college (社区大学).

10. 教育的重要性
The importance of learning is self-evident (显而易见的). Receiving a high-quality education enables the individual to bring out the ultimate (极限) of his or her potentials. Without education, the human mind is underdeveloped (未充分发展的). No human being in the world has been able to succeed without certain proper source of education. It’s not that a person is not a human without an education, but that the mind is made to be trained. Without education, a person is incomplete in that sense. Education makes a person great thinker and wise decision-maker (决策者). It is achieved by bringing him knowledge from the outside world, teaching him to reason, and acquainting him with history.

11. 教育解决贫穷问题
What is so depressing is the fact that education is the only way to get people out of poverty. Education is the only intervention (干预) that can help children from poor families break the cycle. In addition to giving young people basic skills, education can make them aware of opportunities beyond the ghetto (贫民窟). The few who escape the problems of crime, drugs, prostitution(卖淫), and unwed motherhood(未婚妈妈)are those who have received help from committed teachers and social workers(社工).

12. 性教育的必要性
“High schools must provide young people with adequate sex education because ignnorance can be harmful.” The largest gulf(鸿沟) of understanding still remains between the parents and the youth, especially in the area of sexuality. Sex is a natural part of life, and when questions arise, they can be discussed in a mature way. Owing to this, we realize that sex education is important in a person’s life. Therefore, sex education in high schools is very necessary for youngsters to acquire information and form their attitudes, beliefs and values about identity, relationships and intimacy(亲密关系). Sex education also encompasses (包含) sexual development, affection, body image(体像) and gender roles(性别角色). In other words, it is about learning how we grow, reproduce(繁衍) and change over the years. It also includes a positive view of sex and safety involved in sexuality.

13. 老师在教育中扮演的角色
A teacher’s role is very dynamic (不断变化的) and versatile(多方面的). However, there are quite a number of conflicting (冲突的) expectations teachers face about the roles they should play. This makes teaching one of the most challenging and demanding jobs. Along with teaching in their curriculum area, the role of a teacher is to foster (培养) children’s interests and facilitate(促进) their learning ability in a positive manner. As a result, the teacher also has the role of mentor, role model, parent, caregiver, counselor and motivator, and so on so forth..

14. 音乐教育的重要性
With school budgets cut, and music instrument short, more and more people begin to realize the benefits of having music in education. Providing music as part of education helps develop intelligence (智力) that leads to greater success in school and in life. Everyone from Save The Music and The National Association For Music Education agrees that, “Every student in the nation should have an education in arts.” These two institutions are doing everything they can to spread the information about music, and the importance of resorting(恢复) music education as part of the core (核心的) curriculum. Giving a child opportunity to play an instrument can promote their later success in society. Researchers have found that children involved in music education are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college, and are less likely to be involved in gangs (黑社会团伙) and substance abuse(药物滥用). Music is part of everyday culture in America.

15. 家庭作业应该被减少
Homework has traditionally been given to students to reinforce (巩固) what they have learned at school, and ultimately to help them absorb (吸收) the material better. However, too much homework is not helpful, and can even be counterproductive (起负面作用的). Excessive(过量的) amounts of time spent on completing homework can take up a kid’s social and family gathering time, and limit their participation in sports or other activities. The amount of homework a teacher can give to a student should be restricted, and only assigned due to necessity.

16. 电脑和教育
Education is defined as “the knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process or an instructive or enlightening (启发性的) experience”. It is referred to as the knowledge obtained, but does it matter where this knowledge is obtained? We now use computers in our society, which allows us to do many things. In some cases in today’s society, children go through their entire education with computer. There is now cyber (网络)schooling, where a child no longer attends school but learns at home in front of their computers. Should this, however, be the way students learn and become educated?

17. 教育等级划分
1) Primary Education
Primary education includes preschool(学前) and elementary(基础的) education. Preschool, or kindergarten, can last up to three years, with children entering as early as age three, until age six, when they typically enter elementary school. The academic year (学年) is divided into two semesters(学期).

2) Secondary Education
Secondary education is divided into academic secondary education and specialized/vocational/technical (专科/职业/技术)secondary education. Academic secondary education is delivered by academic lower and upper middle schools. Lower middle school graduates wishing to continue their education take a locally administered entrance exam(地区入学考试), on the basis of which they will have the option either of continuing in an academic upper middle school or of entering a vocational secondary school. Vocational schools offer programs ranging from two to four years and train medium-level(中级的) skilled workers, farmers, and managerial(管理的) and technical personnel(人才). Technical schools typically offer four-year programs to train intermediate technical personnel(中级技术人才). “Schools for Skilled Workers” typically train junior middle school graduates for positions requiring production and operation skills. The length of training is typically three years.

3) Higher Education
Higher education at the undergraduate (本科)level includes two-and three-year junior colleges —sometimes also called short-cycle colleges(短期学校)—four-year colleges, and universities offering programs in both academic and vocational subjects. Many colleges and universities also offer graduate programs leading to the master’s or Ph.D. degree. Chinese higher education at the undergraduate level is divided into vocational and academic programs. Vocational programs are offered not only at short-cycle colleges, but also frequently at four-year colleges and universities. Academic programs are offered at four-year colleges and universities but do not always lead to the bachelor’s degree. Immense higher education opportunities also fall under (被归入) the general category of adult education.

4) Adult Education
The adult education(成人教育)category overlaps all three of the above categories. Adult primary education includes Workers’ Primary Schools(工人初级学校), Peasants’ Primary Schools(农民初级学校), and literacy classes(识字班). Adult secondary education includes radio/TV specialized secondary schools for cadres(基干官兵), staff, workers and peasants. It includes in-service teacher training schools and correspondence (函授)specialized secondary schools as well. Adult higher education includes radio/TV universities, cadre institutes, workers’ colleges, peasant colleges, correspondence colleges, and educational colleges. Most of the above offer both two- and three-year short-cycle (or vocational) curricula, yet a few also offer regular undergraduate curricula.

18. 双语教学
Bilingual education (双语教学) was first initiated in 1968. It was a new means to educate the children who spoke a minority language. Thirty-one years later the same problems exist for those children who speak languages other than English. The experiment of bilingual education has been a failure and now it’s time to move on. The first English only initiatives were brought forth in 1981 by newly elected president Reagan. Since then the conflict over bilingual education has drove on. Currently twenty-three states have “English Only” laws with 4 states having laws that are pending(待定的). The issue of bilingual education and the conflict that surrounds it is primarily focused between whites and Hispanics(西班牙和葡萄牙人), although since the mid 70’s it’s also been involved with the Chinese culture. However, bilingual education has failed; currently the movement is towards the English only educational system.

19. 音乐教学
In today’s society, people are constantly looking for new ways to have students produce more from their public education. Some argue that more funding (拨款) is the answer, while others believe that better learning facilities will help. Studies recently conducted show that a simple change in the curriculum will produce the outcome that people are searching for. The simple change is music education. Music education has been proven to improve general academic skills as well as social skills in children. If music classes are added to a child’s schedule (课程表), they will begin to show improvement in learning that educators are looking for. Instead of the ideas of more funding and better facilities, all the students need is a simple music course in their everyday lives.

20. 音乐和教育
Ursula K. Le Guin makes an excellent point in her quote, “Music and thinking are so much alike that it is almost as if they are one and the same.” Music has a huge impact on the brain. It has been proven that it makes contributions to the development of cognitive (认知的) and perceptual(知觉的) skills, refines (完善) the development of the brain and entire neurological (神经的) system, and connects and develops the motor systems(引擎系统) of the brain in a way that cannot be done by any other activity. Since music has such a huge impact on the brain, it is evident that music education is important and should therefore remain an important key factor of kindergarten through high school students’ education.

21. 教育的启蒙塑造作用
Education is one of the most powerful instruments in shaping the human race. Education is the only answer to all our socio-economic(社会经济的) problems. Several global organizations and nations have been emphasizing the need for the universalisation(普及化) of primary education. At the world education conference at Jomtien(乔木提恩会议), access to education was declared as a human right. The Economics Nobel laureate(获得者) of 1998, Prof. Amartya Kumar Sen has also pointed out that for sustainable development(可持续发展), even the poorest of the poor should be provided proper education. Accordingly, steps have to be taken to bring primary education to the doorsteps of the rural people, since more than 75 percent of Indians live in rural areas.

22. 教育对个人的益处
Education has essentially been a social process in capacity building and maintenance(维持)of society since the creation of human beings. To cope with the changing realities and uncertainties of human life, education has been a weapon with which people equip themselves to acquire relevant knowledge, skills and habits of surviving in the modern world. Education for All (EFA) has been an international concern since 1968. There was an international conference in Paris with a theme titled “The World Crisis in Education”. This triggered (触发) the process of developing the World Declaration on Education for All. It was spread over the several months and all over the world. The World Bank and the United National Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (国际教科文组织) came together to sponsor the World Conference on Education for All in Jomtiem (乔木提恩), Thailand in March, 1990.

23.  对“学校已死”的辩论
It is unconventional wisdom to regard school as dead. The phrase “school is dead” is the title of a book by Everett Reimer, a scholar with many years’ experience in attempting to reform schools for poor children in the third world. However, what we might call “unconventional wisdom” has been skeptical (怀疑的) of schooling for thousands of years. Since the time of the Roman Empire there have been many quotations from notable persons about problems of schooling and its effects on learners. A general state education is a mere contrivance (发明) for moulding(塑造)people to be exactly like one another, and it pleases the predominant power in the government, be it a monarch (君主), a priesthood, an aristocracy (贵族), or the majority of the existing generation. As it is efficient and successful, it establishes despotism (专制主义) over the mind, leading to a collective community. In more modern times Nobel Prize winners have said that school is a waste of time, saying that they learned mostly outside school. In any event, it is clear that school attendance is something distinct from learning.



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