

作者:互联网 来源:互联网 2014-01-21














       Thanks to my outstanding academic background and rich research experience, I was selected to join in the project of preparation of proton-exchange membrane in this term.(项目的内容,目的) It is a sub-project of theNational Key Base Research Special Fund Project. The membrane will be used topurify the aluminum by filtering the hydrogen involved in the melted aluminum,like the process in proton-exchange membrane fuel cell. I used Ba(NO3)2,Ce(NO3)4,Sr(NO3)2,ZrClO4,Ca(NO3)2and citric acid as the original materials to synthesize the ultrafine powder through a hydrothermal method. (我的任务)The prepared powder was sintered under a serial of temperature, and was analyzed with XRD to determine the lowest temperature of forming perovskite structure. Then the qualified powder was turned into thin film by casting to be sintered. SEM was carried out to observe the surface defect. If there is no defect, we will measure its mechanical intensity, porosity rate, conductivity and resistance, and etc. Furthermore, the mechanism will also be analyzed. At last, the prepared proton-exchange membrane will be tested in practical use.

       (遇到的困难)At the beginning, I encountered a problem when I synthesized the ultrafine powder by hydrothermal method. The particle size of the prepared powder was so big and badly distributed that its sintering reactivity was very low, which prevented me from taking the next step. I tried again and again, but each time I got the same result. (如何克服的)After a lot of failure I was very much depressed,and even began to doubt my qualifications as a researcher. One day, when the failure hit me one more time I went up to my advisor and expressed my disappointment and doubt. He smiled and said, “Doing research is one thing;being successful in doing that is another. In my life, I ever met many people who were willing to do something, but there were only a few of them who could do it well. You are one of the few people. Being a scientist is not easy. You have a long way to go. A qualified scientist needs to possess not only technology but also the courage of accepting failure and innovation. What is the most important is your enthusiasm for life. You will do the best as long as you insist on it.” These words encouraged me to participate in the research again with much more enthusiasm.(精神上导师的鼓励) I scanned the experiment with more patience, analyzed each steps carefully. Finally, I found that the problem resulted from the control of reacting temperature and pressure. (结果)With appropriate adjustment I prepared the qualified powder successfully.



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
