

作者:互联网 来源:互联网 2014-01-22



1 学校的历史,声誉,氛围特色:几乎每所学校都会有这样的介绍

2 系的历史,声誉,办学宗旨

3 你感兴趣的教授


       1 学校的历史,声誉,氛围特色:几乎每所学校都会有这样的介绍

       2 系的历史,声誉,办学宗旨

       3 你感兴趣的教授


Thereforewhen I will complete my undergraduate studies, under the recommendation of myprofessors, and after I carefully reviewed the website of University ofAlabama, I decided on your esteemed university. Firstly, I am attracted by your long and worthy traditions. Just as your former president said: “No one can help but be aware of the rich tradition that is associated with this team and this University.”Secondly, the University recognizes the importance of educating students to live and work in a global community of increasingly interdependent countries. Thirdly, The Department of Communication Studies at The University of Alabama is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service and to diversity in thought, action,  and participation. Fourthly,Communication Studies does not train students for a specific job; rather, it prepares them to excel in whatever careers they choose by teaching them to think critically, to express and advocate ideas effectively, and to understand and appreciate the diversity of human communication practices. Finally, the department's curriculumis guided by the principle that theory and practice are complementary and mutually reinforcing aspects of study.









工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
