

作者:互联网 来源:互联网 2014-01-23





In a room full of 450 people, everyone was clapping. I was walking on clouds, picking the gold cup for first-prize winner from the President of National Calligraphy Association. I felt all the eyes on me! Then I had a silly thought to pirate the Oscar winners’address, "I am thankful to..."




“Life is like a hyperbola: its bottlenecks appear in the position which witnesses the shortest distance between the two curves. In fact, anyone has to go through several bottleneck periods in his lifetime. If he makes one breakthrough after another, however, he will certainly have his horizons increasingly expanded. “ They were told by my teacher when he helped me overcome the timidity I suffered as a freshman at ××university. These words guided me to change my character, stimulated me to pursue overseas studies in communication, and will surely continue to make a far-reaching impact on my life.




The best part of being a research engineer is discovering a new and better solution to a difficult problem. It is particularly thrilling when, after a long and arduous struggle, my research students and I experience the breakthrough "Aha!" that leads us to our new solution. One of the best parts of being a teaching assistant is listening to a student talk excitedly about a concept that he has finally understood after a lot of hard work.


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Under the guidance of God, I have found the way of life: namely, to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and transfer love to every corner and people He creates. You may be tempted to wonder what is the best way to live such a life and to realize my dream. When I began to expose myself to educational technology, I found it was the very field where I could fulfill my dream. Based on my good knowledge of computer, I have realized that the Internet has turned the whole world into a global village. Thus, if we transfer love via the Internet, the influence will range from simply a diocese or a city to the whole world. Having been born and grown up in a teaching family, I have also been well aware that transferring love through education will exert a far-reaching impact on generations of people. In this global village, I can help display the glory of God by transferring love embodied in my design and my products to all corners of land on the Internet




Three jobs, including full-time and part-time, in three different types of companies and institute has given me hands-on experience in organization communities in both domestic and cross-culture settings. Such experiences not only help me to deepen knowledge and understanding into organization communication, but also enable me to define my career goal: to become a organization communication professional working with multinational corporation or a consulting firm.




工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
