

作者:互联网 来源:互联网 2014-01-24





When I was 6 years old, I sang children’s songs to alleviate the pain of my sick mother and sobrought laughter to the whole family.

When I was 20 years old, I tried to relieve the pain of villagers who fell ill in bed with the knowledge I have learned in the medical school, and so brought laughter to the whole village.

When I was 22 years old, I was shocked at the incapability of doctors in the face of infectious viral diseases when they could adopt adjuvant therapies to prolong the life of patients. Having been aware of the weakness of doctors, I decided on my future career in fundamental medical research: that is, to ease the pain of patients from all over the world rather than a family or a village by making a breakthrough in fundamental medical research.







One of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of experiences I possess. I am a science student with a flair for the arts. I am a woman with technical aptitude and an interest in literature. I also have a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world. I strongly believe that although some are not related directly, all these qualities will influence my graduate work.






The aim of economics is to solve practical problems. If it were simply theoretical, it would make no impact on the real world. According to Coase and Arguin, a practical survey will inform people of what the world looks like even though it fails to propose significant arguments. And It is my thoughts and my experience in my college life.It is my college life that has helped me draw such a conclusion. In the near future, I will still persist in an effort to fulfill my dream and put forward more practically valuable advice and theories for China’s reform.






How wonderful! When I was seventeen years old as soon as I printed my first program:” Hello World!”, I realizedthat computer can make the world much more colorful!

多么精彩呀! 17岁当我用C语言编译器在电脑里面编写出我的第一个程序“Hello World !”的时候我知道计算机肯定可以让这个枯燥的世界变得多彩!





Is possible that a woman can gain academic leadership in economics, a field of male-dominance? What can women do differently? How can we be accepted as full partners rather than added assetsonly for diversity? Girls in the department of economics who are aspired for an academic career are often haunted by such questions, including me.




The Central Bank is an ideal place for women.It is unequivocal "true" that the bank offers job security, good payment, overseas training, humanistic vocation, and social respects.But being a woman inspired for academic influence and prodigy instead of an ideal career only, after I have worked here for three years with hands-on experience accumulated in abundance, now I am thinking of a Ph.D in business administration at a first-tier University worldwide.






“You are very lucky,” my father said to me. “Why?” I questioned inpuzzlement. He drew a circle on a piece of paper, then made a dot in its circumference and asked me, “Which way is the shortest to reach the symmetrical dot in the circumference from this point?” “Diameter,” I responded, and with this answer I suddenly realized that I was lucky enough to live a diametrical life, namely, a very smooth life. Since I exposed myself to the research in materials, I have been aspiring to become a scientist, and God has blessed me with a diametrical life without any waste of time or life.






“Life is just like the ocean----whatever choice you make as a steersman, you must be well aware of your favorite,namely, which is worthy of pursuing in your whole lifetime.!”

Since I was admitted into Harbin Institute of Technology three years ago,these words, just like a bright lamp, have been lightening my future and leading the way to my favorite career--- the studies of educational technology.






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