

作者:互联网 来源:互联网 2014-01-25








       ★ 和PS相结合的原则

       ★ 合理分配原则

       ★ 例证原则









       第一种搭配: 1位任课老师(核心课程的)+1位任课老师(基础课程)+1位对自己十分了解的老师;

       第二种搭配: 1位任课老师(核心课程的)+1位对自己十分了解的老师+实习/工作/培训单位的上司;

       第三种搭配: 1位任课老师(核心课程的)+1位任课老师(基础课程)+导师;

       第四种搭配: 1位任课老师(核心或者基础课程)+导师+1位对自己十分了解的老师;

       第五种搭配: 1位任课老师(核心或者基础课程)+导师+实习/工作/培训单位的上司;

       第六种搭配: 导师+实习/工作/培训单位的上司+1位对自己十分了解的老师;




       对自己了解的老师可以是系主任,班主任,院长,或者学生工作的负责人(可以是教授了自己课程的) 在强调研究层次能力的基础上展现其他方面的素质:比如社会活动能力,公益心,特长





       1、 大部分是空话和套话,放在哪里都可以用

       2、 所提供的例子和论点不吻合

       3、 所提供的论据不具备所申请学科的学科性和专业性.为了让大家避免出现以上三种错误,现在提供一些具体的实例给大家参考,清楚地认识到每一种素质在现实中的具体体现是什么样子的,需要如何去表达。

       ★   对研究有帮助的专业素养:



       1、 专业功底可以通过学业成绩,专业的基础知识和对专业的理解来体现。






First of all, ××boasts of a very outstanding performanceis excellent in study. Over the past In these three college years, she ranked top 10% in the department. Last semester, for example, Especially, in the last term, She she remained at the very top of the class of four hundred and thirty-seven students----she obtained took a series of firsts such as 98 in Digital Comm., 96 in Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation, 97 in Microwave Tech. and 90 in Electromagnetic Fields Experiment. , which put her head of four hundred and thirty-seven students.

In the process that I taught him,××has manifested quite excellent mathematics ability, and he has well mastered calculus(90), linear algebra(95%), and the probability theory(91%). As far as I know, he also got good grade in other graduate students’ mathematics courses such as Mathematical Statistics(89%), Mathematical Modeling, and Analysis of Wavelet(98%).

When I taught her History of Foreign Economics and the History of Ancient Chinese Economics Thought... Naturally, she got good scores of 91 and 92 points respectively. In the meantime, she has obtained a macroview on the development of the schools of economics and the trend of thought, which will establish solid basis for her future research in economics field.


Once, when discussing the validity of applying mathematics into economics, she illustrated her argument with several examples. Specifically speaking, she argued that mathematics was a natural science and whereas economics bordered on natural and social sciences. Therefore, she thought it very crucial to recognize the differences between natural phenomenon and social phenomenon, and to know how far and how deep the validity of mathematics could go.(经济专业的学生对数学的理解)

★ 对研究有帮助的能力:

1、 学习能力(归纳,总结,勤于思考)

2、 分析、逻辑推理和抽象思维能力

3、 观察力(见人所不见是一种很好的观察能力)

4、 创新能力

5、 语言能力(oral and Writing English)

6、 研究能力(特指写paper的能力)

7、 实验操作能力

8、 团队合作

9、 沟通能力


1、 学习能力


In spite of a greener in the lab, he familiarized himself with the usage of the programming software of industrial control within several days, half of the time spent by the average postgraduate.

He has strong learning ability and can systemize what he has learned. Although he has never ever touch the practice work, after I gave him some key guidance, he classified the knowledge needed for study, and listed the best methods to acquire all this knowledge. For the principle knowledge, he could consult various information on the Internet, such as …

2、 分析能力――



In my class,he always advanced questions, and he was never satisfied by staying merely on the surface of problems. When I taught how to calculate the eigenvalue of matrix, nearly all the students felt sure about Conjugate Gradient, but only he asked me why the algorithm converged rather slowly in some cases, as was shown in his programming experiment. Immediately, I was attracted by his thinking style of seeking truth. From then on, he and I have often discussed the new development in this field together.

3、观察力(见人所不见是一种很好的观察能力)  见后文例证。



she is very innovative in her research: she often tries to solve problems in a new way, and proposes suggestions to improve her research. Our current project aims to improve the functions of beamformers by increasing the capacity of ultrasound systems. Having validated existent algorithms in the research, Miss Hu has so far yielded the optimal aperture weightings.

In the meantime, he is very innovative in his research: he often tries to solve problems in a new way, and proposes suggestions to improve his research. In experiments, for instance, he proposed the control logic algorithm and so we managed to improve the scanning signals of the monitor system we worked on.



××had a good command of English too. He acted interpreter several times when foreign experts visit the company. Besides, he has done a great deal of work translating the technical documents from English into Chinese, sometimes the complete work and sometimes the abstract.


7、实验操作能力  见后文例证。



Last but not least,Miss ## is ready to help others with her team spirit. If necessary, she will adjust her own schedule in accordance with our project.  It is also a great pleasure to work with her: with her sense of humor, she often delights those who work late into midnight and so suffer from burnout with her improvisations.

1、  沟通能力


××is also active in the team discussions to give his opinion on others’ assignments in a friendly tone. We often met with technical problems in the process of building up the system and would discuss the solutions together. He always attentively and patiently listened to other people’s ideas first and finally proposed his own thought.

10、敏锐  见后文例证。


1、 对专业的热爱;

2、 乐观;

3、 遇事冷静;

4、 有进取心的(aggressive)





I remembered that in one experiment class when we were preparing transfection cells, all the other students were following the protocols while she came up to ask about the reason of temperature control. I was glad that this girl really wanted to understand the principle rather than simple following.


Driven by a burning passion for economics, ××took a large amount of elective courses in economics and got high score, such as: Banking and Finance 85, Principles of International Trade 81, Intelligentsia Property Right 83, Chinese Stoke Market 87, Basic Knowledge and Operation of Financial Software 90. To broaden her horizons, in spare time she often went to Peking university and Tsinghua University to listen economics lectures, read almost one hundred economics works such as:

I have been very much impressed by Miss××’s self-discipline and initiative. Once, I introduced to her the development and concepts of beamformers, and left some documents for her to read. One week later, Miss××, much to my amazement, knew more about beamformers in our discussion than what I had taught. In fact, she read a lot about ultrasound and ultrasonic imaging systems, and familiarized herself with some current methods, such as synthetic aperture design.

★ 其他能力:领导才能,特长,爱好,公益心,口才

Otherwise, the community servitude of ×× was highly appreciated to me. When earthquakes ravaged an area in China, Ms. ×× organized students to gather donations. During the SARS scare, Ms. ## was even braver. When students went into a panic because of a slight cough of hint of fever, Ms. ×× accompanied them to the hospital without any concern for her self. We were lucky that none of our students had SARS. If so, Ms. Xiaoyan would have been at risk, she was on the front line.

He was usually good at motivating people. ××launched a volunteer program to teach in the School for Blind of ××. Despite pressure from huge academic assignments and tremendous campus activities, ××persisted to lead the volunteer program and to teach the blind teenagers himself for two years. I asked him what buttress his hard work on this project. He said that it was the emotion to share knowledge and the zeal to illuminate the dark world.



工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
