

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-01-26




题目: Some people think thatpeople who prefer to read for pleasure will have better imagination andlanguage skills than people who like watching TV.

To what extent do you agreeor disagree?


Reading books and watching TVare two main channels to cultivate imagination and develop language skills.Nowadays, a controversial issue about whether individuals reading books forenjoyment are more capable of practicing their vision and taking a command oflanguages or not has been into fierce discussion. In my opinion, reading canbetter people’s imagination and language abilities.

【此段结构】   1 描述现实2 表达观点  

【此段功能】   首段表明观点:阅读更能帮助提升人们的想象力和语言能力  

There is no denying that TVviewers are able to experience both visual and sound effects at the same time.As a result, their imagination could be stimulated to a large extent.What ismore, watching TV programs is absolutely a good way for children to improvetheir communicative skills, as they cannot recognize as many words as adults.

【此段结构】   1 反面让步:看电视有助于提升想象力2 反面让步:看电视有助于提高孩子的交流能力  

【此段功能】   本段是文章第二段,从反面进行让步,简要概括了看电视的两个好处  

However, from books, readersare not only able to grasp the author’s concepts and ideas, but also have acomprehensive understanding of the social background. Another merit of readingis that people can improve their language abilities, especially in expandingvocabulary and improving writing skills.Reading for enjoyment definitely canstimulate one’s imagination. Unlike watching TV, readers cannot see the vividpictures but the lines. They have to associate the words with certain things intheir mind, thereby arousing their imagination.

【此段结构】   1 论据一:读书不仅让读者理解概念和思想,而且全面了解社会背景2 论据二:读书提升人的语言能力3 论据三:读书能无限激发人的想象力  

【此段功能】   本段是文章第三段,列举三大论据,从正面论述读书的优点  

To sum up, although watchingTV may have certain positive impacts on viewers’ imagination and languageskills, reading books are able to develop individuals’ such capacities better,I believe, due to the diversity of books. The point is that people are supposedto read more, not regarding studying as a burden, but reading for pleasure,which is the most important factor readers should consider.

【此段结构】   1 强调论点:相比较而言,读书更有助于提高想象力和语言能力2进一步升华论点:应当在快乐中阅读,不要把它当作负担  

【此段功能】   全文总结  





1.Nowadays, a controversial issue about whether individualsreading books for enjoyment are more capable of practicing their vision andtaking a command of languages or not has been into fierce discussion.

本句指出题干中的问题一直是人们争议的焦点。句型a controversial issueabout…has been into fierce discussion可以用于同类议论文的开篇。

2.The point is that people are supposed to read more, not regardingstudying as a burden, but reading for pleasure, which is the most importantfactor readers should consider.

本句的which从句修饰the point。从句强调了快乐读书的重要性,应当得到读者的重视。

3.To sum up, although watching TV may have certain positiveimpacts on viewers’ imagination and language skills, reading books are able todevelop individuals’ such capacities better, I believe, due to the diversity ofbooks.

本句前半句直截了当的将论点再次重申,然后用插入语I believe再次强调了自己的立场,最后简单解释了原因。此处插入语赋予原句节奏感和力量。






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