
【极智权威解读】雅思剑七Test 4 满分范文小作文赏析

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-01-30



题目:The pie charts below showunits of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980and 2000.







The information given by thepie charts is about how electricity is produced by different sources in twocountries – Australia and France in two separate years (1980 and 2000).

【此段结构】   首段paraphrase原题  

【此段功能】   概括全表格内容,点明描述对象,地点和时间。  

In Australia, the units ofelectricity are produced by four different sources. In 1980, coal was the mostpopular source which produced 50 units of electricity. It is interesting tonote that the units of electricity generated by hydro power equaled that bynatural gas (20 units). In addition, only 10 units of electricity sourced fromoil. Two decades later, the total production had risen to 170 units.Specifically, the data for coal increased sharply to 130 units, and that forhydro power witnessed a similar trend. In contrast, both natural gas and oilrapidly dropped to only 2 units respectively.

【此段结构】   1 总起概括前两个饼图的内容:电力的来源共分四块2 描述1980年几种电力来源分别所占百分比3 描述2000年几种电力来源分别所占百分比,同时分析较1980年的变化趋势  

【此段功能】   本段是文章第二段,描述了澳大利亚几种电力来源所占百分比和20年的变化趋势  

In terms of France, in theyear of 1980, its electricity was generated by five sources. Natural gas andcoal were the most important ones which produced 50 units altogether,representing more than 50% of the total 90 units. It was followed by oil andnuclear power which generated 20 units and 15 units respectively. Only 5 unitswas made by hydro power. After 20 years, total production soared to 180 units,among which nuclear power amazingly rocketed to 126 units, while coal remainedconstant. Natural gas and hydro power alike dropped to only 2 units.

【此段结构】   1 描述1980年法国几种电力来源分别所占百分比3 描述2000年法国几种电力来源分别所占百分比,同时分析较1980年的变化趋势  

【此段功能】   本段是文章第三段,描述了法国几种电力来源所占百分比和20年的变化趋势  

In conclusion, over the twodecades, the approaches of electricity generation had undergone great changesboth in France and in Australia. It is noticeable that coal and hydro powerwere relatively important in the two countries.

【此段结构】   全文总结  

【此段功能】   说明20年来的改变很大,同时点明煤炭和水力是最重要的两大来源  




本文的用词和句型变化多端,避免重复,灵活表达。例如,表示生产电力的短语有:be produced by, be generated by和be sourcedfrom。

表示变化趋势的短语也很多,例如:rise to,increase sharply to, witness a similar trend, drop to, soar to ,rocket to等等。

1.It is interesting to note that the units of electricitygenerated by hydro power equaled that by natural gas (20 units).

句型it is interesting to note that值得借鉴。句中that指代the units of electricity generated, 很好的避免重复。Equal作为动词表相等。

2.Specifically, the data for coal increased sharply to 130 units,and that for hydro power witnessed a similar trend.

此句中witness a similar trend和后文undergo great changes都是非常合适的描述变化的短语。

3.After 20 years, totalproduction soared to 180 units, among which nuclear power amazingly rocketed to126 units, while coal remained constant.

本句中amongwhich指的是在这180units中,while coal指代的是while the units generated by coal。这样的表达简洁明了,避免了不必要的重复。






工作时间:09:00AM - 08:00PM
