
雅思写作 论证论据素材大全——家庭教育类

作者:韦晓亮 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-05






——雅思写作论证论据素材大全 韦晓亮




Today, overone million home-schooled children in the United States and hundreds ofthousands of learners in other parts of the world are learning outside school. Ashomeschooling is growing worldwide, these learners’ experience shows thatschools are not always necessary for learning. Particularly, researches confirmthat young people can grow up more maturely and healthily than their peers ifthey avoid the typical age segregation (隔离) of most schools. Professionals in the field of languagedevelopment of children all agree that parental interaction (亲子互动) with children isindispensable(不可或缺的)for children when they are learningto talk. Therefore, it is for sure very necessary for other aspects of children’sdevelopment as well. Even schools of higher education for adult learners arehappy to admit applicants who have never attended school in their childhood. Thenumber of colleges that admit homeschoolers has grown to more than 1,000 in atleast five countries.

2. 父母和孩子们之间必然存在着代沟


Generation gap(代沟) is a common phenomenon(现象)that exits everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the young. Generallyspeaking, generation gap results in different understanding and appreciation ofthe great and constant changes of the world, different reaction to new things,and different attitudes to traditional principles and beliefs. Therefore, wemay say, “Where there are the old and the young, there is the generation gap.” Generationgap is natural, but very influential. If we cannot deal with it appropriately,the gap will be greater and consequently affect the relation between the oldand the young.

3. 代沟的字典定义


What is generation gap? According to theOxford Dictionary, itis a difference in attitudes between people of different generations. The keyword here is “ATTITUDE”. Attitude is a way of thinking or feeling about someoneor something. A generation gap occurs when the old and the young don’t understandeach other because of their differences in opinion, experience and nature. Definitely,this difference still exists in our society today.


Generation gap is the major reason whyparents and children are moving away from each other.Nowadays, most of the youth are deeply influenced by the western standards andcultures. With the changes of theenvironment, their life styles and minds have changed greatly either. Today’s newgeneration doesn’t like others interfering in any of their personal business; neitherdo they like to be ordered by their parents. If they try to tell the parentswhat’s wrong with them, it is regarded as misbehavior (行为不当). The question is thatwhat the reason behind all of these conflicts is. Is it the parents’ mistake?Generation gap is basically created by parents themselves. They don’t talk totheir children and share their points of views with the children. The fact is thatparents are just so busy with their work that they don’t have time for theirfamily and their children. When they realize it, there has already been a hugedistance between the kids and the parents. If parents could spare theirchildren more time from their busy schedule, then there would be less suchproblems. Sometimes you need to act as a friend with your children in order tounderstand them better.

5 现今学校教育体系的缺陷


Today’s education system has further deteriorated(恶化).In earlier times, people didn’t attach so much importance to education andthere was not much competition. The focus was on the all-round development (全面发展)of an individual. However, the focus has been shifted to sheer academicperformance now. Mechanic learning by rote (死记硬背) is very common. Students spend increasingtime on academic studies. This leads to less time of interaction betweenparents and children. Parents also push the child too hard and cause a “burnout”(筋疲力尽),making things even worse. A recent study by a leading institute states that theamount of time for interaction between parents and children has dramaticallydecreased by 75% over the last five decades.

6. 网络技术使孩子丧失了交际能力

We are living in a “smart” world, as a result of the Internet and otheradvanced technology. Obviously, nowadays children are spending more time on thecomputer and their lack of social skills is an alarming problem. Onlinechatting with friends and relatives may seem a good thing, but the amount oftime for interacting with people face to face is sacrificed. Thus Internet maycause more harm than benefits to children’s social skills. In some cases, theyare even not able to express themselves properly.

7. 让孩子学会理财


When the children are old enough to earntheir own money through babysitting, odd jobs (零工), paper delivery or other part-time jobs,first talk with them about opening a savings account, tracking their spendingand creating their own budget(预算). Second, consider having a briefappointment with a financial advisor (理财顾问) at your bank. Third, determine whatportion(比例)ofyour income goes for items — such as lunch money and clothes—foryour children. Put your child in charge of spending all or part of that money.Allow them to decide what they want to buy for lunch or for school clothes. Fourth,consider providing some guidelines. For example, at least 20 percent must bespent on fruit, or 30 percent on a pair of dress shoes. If they choose to blowthe balance on expensive athletic shoes, do not increase their budget. Whenthey realize cream-filled desserts aren’t such a great lunch and that they don’twant to wear last year’s shirts, they’ll quickly learn the importance of beingeconomical (精打细算的) with their spending.

8. 有效防止孩子受到网络色情侵害的办法


Children need to betaught how to behave on the Internet. The panel(专家小组) said an analogy(类比)could be drawn between Internet and swimmingpools. “Swimming pools” can be dangerous for children. To protect them, one caninstall locks, put up fences and deploy pool alarms. All of these measures arehelpful, but by far the most important thing that one can do for children is toteach them how to swim. Among the potential approaches are:
—Allowingaccess only to Web pages that have already been checked and found appropriate.

—Blockinginappropriate material with filtering (过滤) software.
—Warning thechild about explicit(明确的)material and suggesting he or she choose somethingbetter.
—Monitoringminors’(未成年人)Webactivity and imposing a penalty if they are caught visiting such sites.
—Educatingthe child not to view explicit material with reasons and building their senseof responsibility.
—Making itharder for minors to find explicit materials or making access to such materialmore cumbersome (麻烦的) and inconvenient.
—Helpingchildren cope with the exposure to inappropriate material they will probablyencounter at least occasionally.

9. 家长要让孩子明白犯错误有时候是件好事


Most of us need to get more comfortable withmistakes. Sometimes, pointing out mistakes may prove not helpful. It worksbetter to emphasize the things that work well. However, children often noticemistakes themselves. I believe it is helpful for children to learn that themistakes they see in their drawing are useful for learning and getting newideas. Tell them it is okay to erase and fix major mistakes, but point out thatthey can learn new things from mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes add someinterest and expressive qualities that are hard to appreciate at first.

10. 单亲家庭教育问题


“Living in a single-parent family(单亲家庭)does not necessarily determinehow well-prepared children are for school”, concludes a Cornell UniversityStudy of about 1,700 children between 6 to 7 years old from white and blackhouseholds. Henry Ricciuti, a emeritus professor(荣誉教授) of human development at Cornell, stressed thatthe potential adverse effects of growing up in a single-parent family might notemerge until later in childhood. He also said that many children insingle-parent families might have the advantage of a smaller family size andthe increased likelihood of the presences of a maternal(母系的)grandparent, aunt, or uncle inthe household. The findings of this study suggest that such support forsingle-parent families should begin in the early childhood years, when thepotential adverse effects of single parenthood have not yet emerged or becomeapparent. Most of the previous studies have focused on adolescents or highschool students and have tended to report adverse effects, typically attributedto(归因于)differences in family income. The study by Ricciuti is one of the fewthat focuses on younger children.

11. 单亲家庭孩子教育的不利之处[m1]


In the book Growing Up with a SingleParent, the authorsummarized the findings of a number of studies that had been conducted in the1980s. These studies generally found that children who were raised insingle-parent families were less likely to attend college than those fromtwo-parent families, and much less likely to graduate from college. However,there was clear evidence that these effects were much less severe if one parenthad died than if the child’s parents had divorced or had never married. Theseresults suggest that it is not “single-parenting” that yields(产生)adverseeffects. Rather, single parenting appears to act as a proxy(代表)for the underlying factors that lead parents not to marry, or to divorce. It isthose unobserved factors that have the primary impact on children’s futureperformance. These studies alsoexplored the effects of parental absence due to divorce or death on thechildren’s labor market outcomes as adults. Although these studies areconsistent(一致的) in finding thatthe absence of a parent has someeffect on adult earnings, they disagree on what that effect is. For example, someexperts concluded that whereas the earnings of women were the same regardlessof family backgrounds, those of men from divorced families were approximatelythree percent lower than those of men from intact families.

12. 家长对学生的影响


Some parents think thatonce their children are at school, they can relax and let the education systemtake control, but this is not the case at all. As a research shows, parentshave a greater influence on their children’s academic results than the schooldoes. Children’s ability to communicate with teachers and peers and theirattitude to learning are largely formed at home. Parents can help give theirchildren a head start(领先), by beginningtheir education at home.

13. 家庭对学生的重要影响


The family is a key element in every person’s life,and it has the greatest impact on children’s socialization(社会化). Socialization is alearned behavior that remains with a person’s entire life. Familyinfluencesnearly every aspect of children’s life, including their education. Increasingevidence indicates that schools are not solely responsible for promoting ouryoung people’s academic success; rather, families must be engaged in helpingyouths develop the knowledge and skills they need to function(发挥良好作用)intomorrow’s workplace. Therefore, the question is not whether parents influenceeducation, but how and to what extent they do.




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