
托福TPO 口语27-33套答题辅导在极智批改网上线

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-07-31


为了帮助更多的同学掌握托福口语答题技巧,极智批改网权威老师整理了托福TPO 口语27-33套题目,并给予了详细的答题辅导。如此贴心指导,同学们可不能错过哦!

为了帮助更多的同学掌握托福口语答题技巧,极智批改网权威老师整理了托福TPO 口语27-33套题目,并给予了详细的答题辅导。如此贴心指导,同学们可不能错过哦!


TPO 27  Task1

Talk about a popular actor, musician, or artist whose work you do not admire. Explain why you do not like this person’s work. Use specific details and reasons in your response.


(1)specifically reveal the name of the actor, musician, or artist

(2)ideally include 2 reasons why you do not like this man’s work.



TPO 28  Task1

Students have to complete various types of academic assignments in school. Choose one of the assignments below and explain why you think it is beneficial for students.

Research paper

Class presentation

Group project


(1) specifically state what the academic assignment is

(2) include 2 reasons why you think it is beneficial.




(1)If you chose research paper, you may say something like “I find writing research papers quite helpful because it can help me learn more about how to do research and hoe to think more comprehensively.”


(2)If you chose class presentation, you can say something like ”I think that class presentation is very beneficial because through this process, students can be more courageous when speaking in public. They will also learn tricks of attracting people’s attention. ”


(3)If you chose group project, you can say something like “I believe that doing group project is essential. Not only can students gain more comprehensive perspective towards the topic they are learning, they also get to know how to work effectively with other people, even though they are bound to have disagreements sometimes.”



(1) The type of academic assignment in school I find very beneficial is …

(2) There are a couple of reasons to name.

(3) First, I think…because…

(4) Second, I believe… since…



(1)If this is a musician, you might say that “I do not like the songs of Lincoln Park, since their songs are so loud that I cannot hear myself thinking. ”


(2)If this is a artist, you may say something like “I hate the work of Pablo Picasso, because his paintings are too abstract to understand. /too elusive to get his point. ”



(1) The actor, musician, or artist whose work I do not admire is …

(2) There are a couple of reasons to name.

(3) First, his/her movies/songs/works are…

(4) Moreover, his/her movies/songs/works are…










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