
GRE Issue4范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-17


       GRE Issue4范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-4. Scandals are useful because they act as a catalyst, focusing public attention on problems and motivating social change in ways that speakers or reformers rarely can.



Wherever there are people, there are scandals. Once the public recognizes that the figure they adored is a fraud, reactions may be anger, sorrow and depression. After these initial reactions, rational consideration and remediation can take place. Following a scandal, greater progress than any other catalyst for change can sometimes be achieved.





 Scandals can illuminate hidden unreasonable and unjust regulations. Once identified, administrators or the public can adjust or even correct those errors. After the political debacle following Watergate, not only did President Nixon lose his job, but also further political reform was ushered in by the public. The public realized that abuse of power, which was unchecked in the past, needed to be checked. As a result, the public more carefully scrutinized government officials preventing them from abusing their power as easily as they had in the past.




论点一。作者表达了对题干观点前半部分的看法,即丑闻可以“focusing public attention on problems and motivating social changes”。  

  Recently, it was discovered that the Juventus football Club and several referee was publicized, shocking the world of football drawing attention to the large holes in the institution regulations. The scandal drew attention and closer scrutiny to the issue, forcing the Italia Football Association to take actions against Juventus, referees and other involved parties. While Juventus has been stripped of the former championship, a series of more appropriate regulations have at last been instituted into the systems.  This scandal kicked off a major reform, without which, the game might still be unknowingly plagued by cheats It was the scandal, a necessary evil, that got the changes underway, bringing improvements to the game of football.





   Furthermore, compared with the accomplishments achieved by professional speakers and reformers, progress produced in the aftermath of scandals is often quicker and more significant. The subject of a scandal usually has a position of high status, which grants him power great enough to make his scandalous behavior so harmful and astonishing that it can be called a scandal. Before their scandals become known to the public, the individuals are widely admired, trusted and respected. Speakers and reformers, on the other hand, are less often as widely recognized. Therefore, speakers or reformers, if their message doesn’t reflect the masses, achieve less of an effect. Scandals play a more vital role in initiating change than reformers.





Despite their positive contributing factors, of scandals are not without their unique problems. Scandals often breach trust, and trust being an emotion can cause people to become hypersensitive. This hypersensitivity has, in the past, led to an excessive desire to reveal all about important public figures. Watchdogs stepped in to monitor people. As a result, some public figures have been unable to effectively work. To satisfy the curiosity of the public, watchdogs interfered with distracting behaviors, sometimes even illegal themselves. Secondly, scandals are so meaningful and widespread in their effect that the wrongdoing may overshadow the contributions of the public figure. For example, although Bill Clinton was dedicated and successful in his efforts to resuscitate America's economy during his term of office, his having engaged in sexual relations with an employee and his having lied about it repeatedly to the entire world made him seem unfit to govern. At that time, America lost the good with the bad.    


第五段,总分结构,论述了丑闻的消极影响。作者认为丑闻令人们太想窥探公众人物的隐私,以至干涉到他人正常生活,有时不惜犯法。本段用曾任美国总统的比尔·克林顿为例,尽管他在任期间贡献卓越,但其色情丑闻的放大令其无法继续保持公众的信任。段尾句指出,克林顿在失去总统职务的同时,美国也“lost the good with the bad”。  



To be just, I acknowledge that most people hate to witness scandals happening around them. What is more, recessions and the private violations always come along with scandals. Nevertheless, from another angle, if the scandals are in fact beneficial, it may be wiser to bravely face them.    







本文在语言表达方面的优点之一在于行文流畅,因为作者使用了很多诸如furthermore,despite,on the other hand, nevertheless等连接词语,使不同内容没有生硬拼凑,而是自然地连为一体。除此之外,作者也用到了不少GRE级别的词汇和表达,语法选择得当,句型变化充分,赋予了文章可读感。

1、Following a scandal, greater progress than any other catalyst for change can sometimes be achieved. 这一句使用不规则语序的比较级说明scandal有时可以达成更大的进步,将than any other catalyst for change放在主语greater progress之后,起到了强调scandal的作用,毕竟scandal是本文论述的中心,而不是any other catalyst for change。

2、After the political debacle following Watergate, not only did President Nixon lose his job, but also further political reform was ushered in by the public. 这个长句不仅使用了not only…but also句型,而且选用的词汇和表达很贴切。Debacle表示大溃败、垮台,远比failure一词能表现事件的影响;usher in意为迎来,后接的宾语多为改革、新时代等抽象概念,用在此处也很合适。

3、Recently, it was discovered that the Juventus football Club and several referee was publicized, shocking the world of football, drawing attention to the large holes in the institution regulations. 本句的主语是that后引导的从句,因从句表达的内容较长较复杂,因此作者选用it作为形式主语,避免了句子产生头重脚轻之感。现在分词shocking和drawing引导的从句作为本句的结果状语,使本句成为一个长长的复杂句。

4、The subject of a scandal usually has a position of high status, which grants him power great enough to make his scandalous behavior so harmful and astonishing that it can be called a scandal. 此句中的which引导的是定语从句,修饰high status;从句中还是用so…that…(如此…以致…)句型令句子增添色彩。





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