

作者:韦晓亮 来源:极智批改网 2014-03-17



15 情商与压力
People with high EQ can laugh stress off. Humor is an excellent weapon when it comes to dealing with stress. Being humorous about your problems can make things easier. Having a high EQ makes dealing with stress easier. Being an optimist can ease the load. You don’t let things get to you so much; you don’t forget about your problems, but you don’t allow them to take an emotional toll on you. This is where optimism comes in play again. Being an optimist, you can always deal with stress better. You can understand that it’s not the end of the world.

16 情商与发怒
People who have a high EQ can handle anger much better than those who don’t. An emotionally intelligent person will be able to challenge the thoughts that trigger the surges of anger. Timing matters; the earlier in the anger cycle, the more effective. Emotionally intelligent people have a better grip on their emotions. They are more capable of managing their emotions. By identifying how they feel, why they feel this way, they can control the way they react in a given situation.
One of the key skills of anger control was monitoring their feelings, becoming aware of their body’s sensations, such as muscle tensing. Anger management is a very important part in having a high EQ, being able to reason rather than acting on impulses.

17 高情商者的十大习惯
There are 10 habits of high EQ people:

Label their feelings, rather than labeling people or situations.

Distinguish between thoughts and feelings.

Take responsibility for their feelings.

Use their feelings to help them make decisions.

Show respect for other people’s feelings.

Feel energized, not angry.

Validate other people’s feelings.

Practice getting a positive value from their negative emotions.

Don’t advise, command, control, criticize, judge or lecture others.

Avoid people who invalidate themselves, or don’t respect their feelings.

Learning EQ is not a difficult task. So, try to control your emotions and behave properly. With the list of habits of high EQ people above, we can determine ourselves whether we are high EQ person or not.

18 高情商者的特征
It is not difficult to spot a person with a high EQ. They are usually very talkative, optimistic, funny, and outgoing. Most (if not every) comedians have a high EQ. Jim Carrey, for instance, has a high EQ. You can tell it by watching him. He is always making people laugh and always making faces. You almost never see him in a serious mood (not that being in a serious mood is a bad thing). People with high EQ usually come from a family with high EQ. Nobody wants to be around people with low EQ because it brings them down; the most popular students are usually the ones that profile a high EQ. Being emotionally intelligent is great for a person’s personal and social life.

19 高情商者和低情商者的特征
Most emotionally intelligent people are outgoing, talkative, fun, and just a joy to be around, whereas a person with low EQ is just the opposite. There is no question emotionally intelligent people are more amiable. No one wants to hang out with a boring person; they want to laugh, to be entertained, to be around people with a higher EQ. A person’s attitude towards life’s obstacles is practically a surefire way of identifying whether or not this person is of high EQ. Optimists are usually the ones with a high EQ, whereas pessimists are usually lower on the EQ chart.

20 智商与情商
What is IQ? What is EQ? For decades, lots of emphasis has been put on certain aspects of intelligence. This intelligence is called IQ (Intelligence Quotient). IQ includes aspects of mathematics, spatial learning, verbal, logical reasoning, and memory. This intelligence could predict a significant degree of performances and some degree of personal and professional success. However, some people with fabulous IQ scores are doing poorly in their life. They somehow are wasting their potential by thinking, behaving and communicating in a way that hinders their chances to success. There is something missing in the success equation. The missing part in the success equation is EQ or EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient).

21 智力的定义
What is intelligence? Is intelligence really a definable word or is it just a word with numerous definitions and meanings? Is intelligence a fair way to measure the ability of students and eventually for you to use your perception of a child’s intelligence to determine his/her future? Is intelligence measurable, and if so, is there a fair way to measure intelligence? These questions are often left unanswered and untouched. Maybe because people really don’t know, or maybe because these questions taunt a number of people, yet no one wants to hear the answers for fear that it may be unfair or unjust.
So, what is intelligence? Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, the ability to reason, the ability to use the correct tools to expand your knowledge, having the ability to think, possessing the ability to participate in and understand relationships, to have intuition, and finally to have the power of insight.

22 智力的定义及其四大因素
Intelligence is defined as the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to

think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment. The reason why intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity is that intelligence is not made up of independent abilities, but qualitatively different abilities and these abilities can only be measured by measuring various aspects of these abilities.

Four major aspects contribute to intelligence. The first is awareness. Awareness means that a person’s behavior is purposeful, not instinctive or reflexive. The second is goal or direction. People behave in meaningful ways. The third point is rationality. People usually act in a manner that is understood by others. The last point is value. Others perceive the behavior of an individual as being useful. Together these aspects make up another definition of intelligence.

23 个性化教育的实现
The importance of working individually with the problems and potentialities of students must be emphasized. As we have had more and more students, this has become increasingly difficult. Our current grading system, with many students receiving poor grades, indicates that we are now mostly unsuccessful in helping the individual student. Grade inflation only further emphasizes this problem. Highly interactive computer material now makes this individualized attention possible. We need programs that continually probe the student, finding out at each instant what the student can and cannot do. Then, based on this knowledge, the program can offer individualized assistance. This approach combines learning and assessment into one seamless activity, not separating them as in current courses. Assessment is used to determine what learning material is to be presented next. As stressed, very little software of this type has been produced.

24 个性化教育和有效学习
A problem often stressed is that our students are all very different. But almost all the curriculum approaches we have now (books and lectures) treat them alike. So it is not too surprising that existing computer learning material does the same. We need learning that is individualized to the needs of each student.
The key to achieving effective learning is to use the interactive capabilities of modern computers. If computer learning material is to consider and assist with individual student problems, it must be interactive, probing to find what the student needs help with and providing that help. Only highly interactive learning approaches can discover individual problems and offer relevant learning experiences. Little such material exists. But there is enough to show that we can prepare such material.
What we have so far in the way of computer learning material could best be described mostly as bits and pieces, small isolated components of material, seldom individualized. But full learning demands whole courses and full curricula, sizable chunks of material. Very few interactive courses have been produced.

25 孩子的教育
Children are very willing and enthusiastic about learning. All children are curious about the world around them and would like to explore all the possibilities that await them. Though all the students explore these ideas in different ways, all students should have an opportunity to explore and learn no matter what the level and learning style of the child. Information presented will gain the students’ attention and enhance the students’ learning process. Also, educators should be more

receptive to the fact that child learn a great deal form the interaction with their peers. Since this has a profound effect on the learning process, teachers should incorporate this into the classroom. This allows the students to develop verbal communication, critical thinking, and social skills.

26 一种新的个性化教育模式
Two examples of future schools that have always seemed very interesting are the schools proposed by George Leonard. The first of these appeared in a book that came out in 1968, Education and Ecstasy, and the second in an article in Esquire in 1981. We consider only the first of these two. Leonard splits the school into two distinct pieces, one concerned with cognitive aspects of learning and the other with effective learning. Technology plays a major role only in cognitive learning. The learning dome is the arena for this. Computers are placed around the perimeter of the dome, each with large screens touching neighboring ones. Students carry an identifying electronic box as they approach a computer. The computer has full records of just where the child is in all subjects, and as with all highly interactive material, these records show where difficulties are occurring. They are updated as the student progresses. Part of the information about each child is obtained by examining brainwaves. And neighboring children are brought together when possible, with the double screen having activities of both children.

27 教师在学习中的作用
The art of correctly tailoring the use of extrinsic reinforcement in the classroom to enhance intrinsic motivation to learn lies in the hands of the teacher. After becoming familiar with various theories of learning, the teacher is in a position to perceive their students’ learning experiences from a new perspective. Having this broadened insight toward students’ motivation to learn helps the teacher to become more conscious of their own behavior and the events that take place in the classroom. The Skinnerian approach for a teacher to use power to reward and punish their students to motivate them can be ineffective if executed in and of itself. The role of the teacher is comparative to that of a manager because they use their power to reward or punish their students to get results. An effective teacher should not be a traditional manager, but should strive to be a modern manager. A modern manager spends the majority of their time structuring the workplace(classroom) to make it more satisfying for their workers (students). Satisfied workers(students) are much more productive. A teacher as a modern manager must empower their students to learn. Teachers who are well-prepared and enthusiastic about their subjects and are able to convey their enthusiasm to their students are likely to increase the students’ interest in the material. This practice may appear to be simple to convey on the surface, but teachers are constantly faced with controlling reward structures, deadlines, constraints, surveillance, and external evaluations. These are all undermining factors of intrinsic motivation.

28 行政和社区在学习中的作用
When administrators are more autonomy-oriented, they provide teachers with opportunities to try new things, to teach in their own ways, to choose optimal challenges, the teachers seem to be more intrinsically motivated. Teachers need administrators who respond to their initiations and support their practicing methods to remain intrinsically motivated in the same way that students need teachers to respond to their initiations and mastery attempts to remain enthusiastic about learning. School administrators and the community in general, need to be supportive of teachers’ efforts to

try new things, to respond to the challenges, and to teach according to their preferred methods. If the climate of the educational system were more informational and autonomy-oriented in nature, it would foster teachers’ intrinsic motivation for teaching. In turn, teachers would be better able to foster intrinsic motivation in their students. 




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