
GRE Issue 123 范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:SmartPigai 来源:SmartPigai 2014-03-19


        GRE Issue 123 范文展:从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-123. The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.



It is universally acknowledged that a well-developed sense of competition can contribute much to success in different areas such as government, sports and industry. Changing conditions, however, are creating the atmosphere wherein cooperation, not competition, is the quality most useful for success. As a result the best way for a society to prepare its young to lead in the world is by instilling them not only with a sense of competition, but also a sense of cooperation.






The spirit of competition is a driving force in individuals. The competitive impulse fosters the desire for dominance. However, the world we live in doesn’t offer the same zero-sum game that it used to. For this reason, governments should take a more proactive role in creating an atmosphere of competition and cooperation. In this environment can the leaders of tomorrow learn the skills that they will be required to employ when working in a fully globalized world. This can be illustrated by the transformation of Chinese market policy. Decades ago, the planned economy policy was praised by Chinese leaders. This policy in which government played a key role to run entire business of nation is featured as absolute equality and eliminates any chance for competition. Unfortunately, these government-run businesses were ineffective due to lack of competition. In the end, the result was low productive capability. Realizing the disadvantages of such policy and desiring to reverse the straggling situation in China and catch up with developed countries, leaders have decided to transform the old economic system. Individuals and companies alike, for sake of survival in competition, must continue to improve their services and products, and consequently, the entire society prospers, at least economically. Owing to the vitality of competitiveness, China can experience the prosperity than ever before.






In today’s world, competition requires more and more cooperation. Competition is not always a good thing to have, especially when it makes one party the winner and one party the loser. Through cooperation with others, all participants can benefit. In business, teamwork can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through synergy. The task of a good business leader is to set a common goal and corresponding rewards by which his teammates are motivated to interact with their colleagues towards collective efforts. Zhang ReiMing- CEO of Glanze and a very famous entrepreneur in China states that there is no special knack for success. “What I have done is just to make my employees feel better about themselves and let every single person in the company understand the essence of the business. After that, I create an environment in which they respect and cooperate with others to meet objectives.“ As we can see in this example, it is cooperation, not completion that makes success.






A sense of competition and cooperation are not mutually independent. Actually, as an excellent competitor, not only can one compete with others who exceed him in some aspects but also he should breed the spirit of cooperation and develop, in others, a willingness to nurture weaknesses. It is the increasingly fierce competition in society that acts as the catalyst promoting a desire to cooperate.





In conclusion, governments, much like the boss of the company discussed earlier, must play a part in creating an environment whereby members of a group can practice both cooperation and competition. This will benefit countries by turning out qualified and successful leaders, individuals equipped with sense of competition and cooperation.









一、 语言表达


1.     Changing conditions, however, are creating the atmosphere wherein cooperation, not competition, is the quality most useful for success. 这一句使用了定语从句,wherein是副词,表示在其中、在那里,可用in which place替换,其后的句子是修饰先行词atmosphere的。


2.     However, the world we live in doesn’t offer the same zero-sum game that it used to. 这句中值得注意的是短语zero-sum game,它可以译为“得失所系的比赛”“零和比赛”,是指竞争中,没有平手,一方获胜而另一方惨败的情形。作者用在这里指过去的社会经常存在那种你死我活的竞争,其实不是很有益。


3.     This can be illustrated by the transformation of Chinese market policy. 选取这句话来简析的目的是提醒备考生,“举例”的说法不局限于“for example/instance”,像本句这样用“This can be illustrated by…”也是很好的选择。当然this是指代前文中的某个内容,因此要指示清晰。


4.     Individuals and companies alike, for sake of survival in competition, must continue to improve their services and products, …. at least economically. 这句话中含有一个简单却容易使人困惑的词,即alike,它是副词,表示“以同样的程度”。虽然换成中文可能本句话并不好译,但是可以理解,它表示对个人和对公司来说,程度是一样的。什么的程度呢?后面的句子即是答案:为了在竞争中生存,继续改进服务和产品等等,这样的做法对个人,对公司,都是一样要去做的。


二、 逻辑结构





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