
GRE Issue 114 范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极致批改网 来源:极致批改网 2014-03-13


        GRE Issue 114 范文展:从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-114. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.




Have you ever wondered about the most essential quality of an effective leader? Is it outstanding intellect? Is it a high standard in regards to morality and ethics? Is it a commitment to a set of principles or objectives? From my perspective, because leaders play such an important role in every aspect of our society, they require a myriad of qualities to gain success. It is hard to say which quality is more important. Consistency in regards to certain principles and objectives has advantages, but, in the democratic system, many disadvantages.






Being committed to particular principles and objectives can help a leader differentiate himself. In many fields, leaders often take a lot of time to accomplish their missions of directing the enterprises. If their ideas shift easily from time to time, their followers may feel uncertain. For instance, the former head coach of England soccer team, Sven Eriksson, led his team to gain little feats in the World Cup 2006 in Germany, even before the game most people are taking them as the most competitive team according to their super stars. But, after being defeated by Portugal, commentators drew the conclusion that Eriksson paid too much mind to the whims of public—that is, he lacked his own leadership initiative and instead tried to play for popularity. It is the unstable strategy that caused England's failure. Sometimes leaders face the double edge sword: do the right thing and lose popularity or do the wrong thing and maintain popularity for a brief period of time. In both cases, the leader is disadvantaged.






Nevertheless, only upholding principles and objectives cannot help a leader gain success. Principles and objectives must be carefully chosen. Otherwise, the leader will find himself abandoned by the public. That is, leaders need to uphold the most commonly accepted principles and objectives of the people in a democratically formed government.






Leaders need levelheaded when facing the issues. When given a situation, leaders may want to remember, firstly, their principles and objectives and then develop a means by which to address a problem in keeping with the previously determined set of standards.






Furthermore, leaders should be required to maintain set of high moral and ethical standards, otherwise they will be unable to persuade the public to obey their directives. So when the leaders' principles and objectives conflict with public ideas, they should concern themselves with the reasons why such conflict is taking place and make their decision after a careful scrutiny. Adolf Hitler, for example, a great leader who committed himself unchanging sets of morals and ethics met a horrible end. The autocrat was holding on ideals, which did not meet the most commonly accepted morals or ethical sets of principles. As a result, he caused the world to suffer the death of millions during the World War II. Hitler's lesson tells about the importance of other qualities of a leader, which may be needed when establishing sets of principles and objectives.






In conclusion, leaders are asked for many qualities besides consistency in their commitment to a particular set of principles and objectives. These matters should be carefully considered as long as the leaders in every field keep an open mind to popular opinions, and as long as they think comprehensively on the both principle and reality, they will certainly lead society to a better future.


第一句总结了作者观点,领导者需要除了坚守原则之外的其他素养。第二句补充说领导人应当有open mind,将原则与现实相结合,这样才能将社会领导向更好的未来。







一、      语言表达


1.     From my perspective, because leaders play such an important role in every aspect of our society, they require a myriad of qualities to gain success. 在表达“我认为;我的观点是”的时候,有除了“I think;in my opinion”之外的很多说法,本句中作者选用了“from my perspective”,值得备考生借鉴。句中的另一个亮点是短语“a myriad of”,是大量的、无数的之意,大到数不清。


2.     But, after being defeated by Portugal, commentators drew the conclusion that Eriksson paid too much mind to the whims of public—that is, he lacked his own leadership initiative and instead tried to play for popularity. “Draw a/the conclusion”是表示“得出结论”的固定搭配;whim一词表示心血来潮,一时的异想天开,也就是未经周详考虑的突发想法,这里暗示领导者如果追随这种想法,是不明智的。


3.     Leaders need levelheaded when facing the issues. 这里用到了一个GRE级别的词汇,也就是levelheaded。这个词是形容词,表示头脑冷静的,稳健的,镇定自若,明白事理。分开写的level head是名词,冷静的头脑。


4.     …their principles and objectives and then develop a means by which to address a problem in keeping with the previously determined set of standards. 这句话中作者注意了名词means的用法,即它是既可用作单数又可用作复数的表示手段、方法、工具之意的名词,常见的搭配有by means of,“依靠…”的意思。短语in keeping with的意思是“与……一致”。


二、      逻辑结构






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