
GRE Argument8范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-19


       GRE Argument8范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。


The following appeared in a memo written by a dean at Buckingham College:

“To serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory. Buckingham’s enrollment is growing and, based on current trends, should double over the next fifty years, thus making existing dormitories inadequate. Moreover, the average rent for an apartment in our town has increased in recent years. Consequently, students will find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing. Finally, an attractive new dormitory would make prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham.”



In this memo a dean at Buckingham College recommends that in order to meet expected enrollment increases the college should build an additional dormitory. To support this recommendation the dean points out that rental rates for off-campus apartments have been increasing, thus making it more difficult for students to afford this housing option. The dean also points out that a new dormitory would attract prospective students to the college. This argument is problematic in several respects.





A threshold problem with the argument involves the statistical reliability of the reports about off-campus rental rates. The dean indicates only that “student leaders” reported these statistics; the dean provides no information about how these students collected their data. It is entirely possible that the report was based on an insufficiently small sample or a sample that was unrepresentative of the town’s overall student rental market.





Secondly, the dean assumes that this current trend in rental rates will continue in the future; yet the dean offers no evidence to substantiate this assumption. These rates are a function of supply and demand, and it is entirely possible that construction of apartment houses will increase in the future, thereby reducing rental rates along with the need for an additional dormitory. Without considering this possible scenario, the dean cannot justifiably conclude that an additional dormitory is needed to meet future demand.







Thirdly, the dean assumes that as enrollment increases the demand for student housing will also increase. While this might be the case, the dean ignores the possibility that the increased enrollment will be the result of an increase in the number of students commuting to Buckingham from their parents’ homes. This scenario, if true, would render the dean’s argument for building a new dormitory untenable.





Yet another problem with the argument involves the dean’s final claim that an attractive new dormitory would attract prospective students to Buckingham. Even assuming students in fact choose colleges on this basis, by relying on this evidence the dean essentially provides an argument against building the new dormitory. If an attractive new dormitory would increase demand for dormitory space, this fact would only serve to undermine the dean’s conflicting claim that the new dormitory would help meet increasing demand for dormitory space.





In conclusion, the dean’s recommendation is not well-supported. To strengthen it the dean must provide clear evidence that average rental rates for off-campus student apartments have in fact been increasing, that this trend will continue in the future, and that this trend will in fact result in an increased demand for dormitory housing.









1) In this memo … recommends that ….(标志性的Argument开头段引出原文结论的语言表达形式。)To support this recommendation the dean points out that …. The dean also points out that ….(引出原文为支持其结论所引用的一系列的荒谬论据。)This argument is problematic in several respects.(标志性的指出文章错误的语言表达。整体开头段是标准的C—E—F的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

2) A threshold problem with the argument involves the statistical reliability of the reports about …. The dean indicates only that … reported these statistics; the dean provides no information about how … collected their data. It is entirely possible that the report was based on an insufficiently small sample or a sample that was unrepresentative of ….(标志性的调查类错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

3) Secondly, the dean assumes that …; yet the dean offers no evidence to substantiate this assumption. …, and it is entirely possible that …, thereby …. Without considering this possible scenario, the dean cannot justifiably conclude that….(标志性的错误假设的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

4) Thirdly, the dean assumes that …. While this might be the case, the dean ignores the possibility that …. This scenario, if true, would render the dean’s argument for … untenable.(标志性的因果类错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

5) Yet another problem with the argument involves the dean’s final claim that …. Even assuming …, by relying on this evidence the dean essentially provides an argument against …. If …, this fact would only serve to undermine the dean’s conflicting claim that ….(标志性的矛盾假设的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

6) In conclusion, the dean’s recommendation is not well-supported. To strengthen it the dean must provide clear evidence that ….(标志性的Argument结尾段的Conclusion—Suggestion体系的语言和逻辑模版体系。)



(开头段)In this memo … recommends that ….

(正文段1)A threshold problem with the argument involves the statistical reliability of the reports about ….

(正文段2)Secondly, the dean assumes that …; yet the dean offers no evidence to substantiate this assumption.

(正文段3)Thirdly, the dean assumes that ….

(正文段4)Yet another problem with the argument involves the dean’s final claim that ….

(结尾段)In conclusion, the dean’s recommendation is not well-supported.

特别值得一提的是本文正文第四段的写作。该段首先通过Yet another problem with the argument involves the dean’s final claim that an attractive new dormitory would attract prospective students to Buckingham. Even assuming students in fact choose colleges on this basis, by relying on this evidence the dean essentially provides an argument against building the new dormitory.两句说明原文中出现的矛盾假设错误。紧接着,段中If an attractive new dormitory would increase demand for dormitory space, this fact would only serve to undermine the dean’s conflicting claim that the new dormitory would help meet increasing demand for dormitory space.一句对该逻辑错误进行了简明有力的分析,充分展现出了正文段严密的逻辑思路。




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