

作者:互联网 来源:互联网 2014-01-02



1、 But the recent discovery of detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all three groups undermines the attempt to explain away superficial resemblance as due to convergent  evolution — the independent development of similarities between unrelated groups in response to similar environmental pressures. (4)
但是,最近在所有这三类动物身上,对鳍肢的骨骼结构所存在的细致共同点的发现足以削弱这样一种企图,即把表面上的近似作为趋同进化所致的结果来将其解释掉。而所谓的趋同进化(convergent evolution),是指在互不相关的生物群体之间,作为对类似的环境压力作出的反应,彼此独立的发展形成某些相同特征。


解释:读者大概也看出来了,本句的最大特点就是长,复杂修饰的长主语,复杂修饰的长宾语,中间以谓语undermines相连。修饰attempt的不定式中的to explain away something as…意思是把某件事情当作后面的东西解释掉。本句在文中起到了一个极为重要的作用,后面有一道题专门对本句提问。现场这种句子能否顺利看懂,会对考生考试的分数起到直接影响。


But the recent discoveryof detailed similaritiesin the skeletal structureof the flippersin all three groupsundermines the attemptto explain awaysuperficial resemblanceas due toconvergent  evolution—the independentdevelopment of similaritiesbetween unrelated groupsin response tosimilar environmental pressures.

2、 Human genes contain too little information even to specify which hemisphere of the brain  each of a human’s 10’’ neurons should occupy,let alone the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes. (5)


解释:本句在固定搭配too little information even to specify之后,是一个大型倒装,正常的语序应该是:

Human genes contain too little information even to specify that each of a human’s 10’’ neurons should occupy which hemisphere of the brain, let alone the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes.

固定搭配too..to是太怎么样以至不能如何的意思,其后的specify后面的内容实际上是一个宾语从句。文章的作者把从句中的宾语提到主语和谓语之前,并省略引导词that,使得句子非常难以读懂。最后的let alone的意思是表示递进的“更不要说,何况”。


Human genes containtoo little informationeven to specify which hemisphere of the brain  each of a human’s10’’ neuronsshould occupy,let alonethe hundreds of connectionsthat each neuron makes.

3、 For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors.(5)



解释:首先解释一下几个词汇:versus:在这里不是前面的against的意思,它和后面的or都是“是….还是…”的意思,其英文释义为:in contrast to or as the alternative of free trade versus pretection 。court:招致(风险、失败),英文释义:to act as to invite or provoke (courts disaster)。

分号前面的句子的主语被插入语”or critic-as-artist-or-scientist”分开,正常情况下应该是the subjectivity versus objectivity debate。这种名词修饰名词的情况在GRE和GMAT考试中是常见的,如前面讲过的句子中出现的mind-body problem。

最后的条件状语从句whichever side of the issue it favors看上去不难,但却不好理解,首先是whichever被提前的表示方法,相当于no matter it favors which side of the issue 的倒装,no matter被省略,which提前并改成了whichever,后面的side of the issue也被提前到主谓it favors之前,issue在此之前面的主要问题,即主观性还是客观性的问题,而it前面的名词太多,一下子不好辨别,其实就是指本句的主语her definition。


For the womanwho is a practitionerof feminist literary criticism, the subjectivityversus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the questionis not only academic, but political as well, and her definitionwill court special riskswhichever sideof the issueit favors.

4、 If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific – a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman , can perform – the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach, but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about sex roles.(4)假如她把女权主义文学评论定义为客观的和科学性的——一个有效的、可证实的、理性的、无论男女都可以使用的方法——那么,这个定义不仅将排挤掉批评家作为艺术家的方法,而且可能会阻碍那些寻求改变学术界的现状的及其思维,特别是有关性别角色的思维的人们的实用主义的政治目标的成就。


解释:这句话在原文中紧接着上例的难句,句中的插入语虽然长,但是并不打断正常的语义,因此不算难懂;但是but also之后的分句中的宾语accomplishment的修饰成分实在太复杂,而且充斥着各色的极端抽象的词汇,没有一定的词汇功底,这句话的意思是不容易看懂的。


If she definesfeminist criticism asobjective and scientific – a valid, verifiable, intellectual methodthat anyone, whether man or woman , can perform – the definition not onlyprecludesthe critic-as-artist approach, but may also impedeaccomplishment of theutilitarian political objectivesof those whoseek to changethe academic establishmentand its thinking, especially aboutsex roles.

5、 These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars-only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers-will be at stake,and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding,a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society. (5+)


解释:相信有不少同学在阅读现场看到这个长达10行,不算标点就有81个单词的庞然大句的时候,不禁心为之颤、色为之变、气为之短、胆为之寒。曾经有人把GRE戏称为God Read English,我们果然在这个句子中看到了“天书”的风采。


本句的主句极短,难就难在从in the sense that开始到整句话结束为止的状语上。That引导的从句作sense的同位语,从句中的主架构还是前面曾经讲过的less…than…的结构,译成“与其说是…还不如说是”and后面是一个独立的介词结构,作者用它来强调女评论家的重要性。可以理解成作者在with them are the chances.中省略了系动词are.


These questionsare politicalin the sense thatthe debate over themwill inevitablybe less an explorationof abstract mattersin a spirit ofdisinterested inquirythan anacademic power strugglein which the careersand professional fortunesof many women scholars-only now enteringthe academic professionin substantial numbers-will be at stake,and with themthe chances fora distinctive contributionto humanistic understanding,a contributionthat might bean importantinfluenceagainst sexismin our society.

6、 Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.(4-)他有可能相信,他不能够即批评美国的对外政策,同时又不危及到他从联邦政府那里已经获得的对民权运动的支持。




Perhaps he believedthat he could not criticizeAmerican foreign policywithout endangeringthe support for civil rightsthat he had wonfrom the federal government.

7、 However, some broods possess a few snails of the opposing hand, and in predominantly sinistral broods, the incidence of dextrality is surprisingly high.(5)可是,一些窝中会有一些相反旋向的蜗牛,而且在主要是左旋的窝种,出现右旋的几率是令人惊奇的高。






However, some broods possessa few snailsof the opposing hand, and in predominantlysinistral broods, the incidenceof dextrality issurprisingly high.

8、 In experiments,an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs,but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs.



其实在这里之所以容易搞混,还有一个人为的重要原因,就是这句话使用了大量的省略;方中的changes the pattern of sinisteral eggs后面,实际上省略了一个to dextral,而最后的分句an injection from sinisteral eggs does not influencee dextral eggs,则是an injection of cytoplasm from sinisteral eggs does not influencee the pattern of dextral eggs的省略形式。


In experiments,an injectionof cytoplasmfrom dextral eggschanges the patternof sinistral eggs,but an injectionfrom sinistral eggsdoes not influencedextral eggs.

9、 Recently some scientists have concluded that meteorites found on Earth and long believed to have a Martian origin might actually have been blasted free of Mars’s gravity by the impact on  Mars of other meteorites. (4+)


解释:这个句子难就难在以that引导的宾语从句,从句中的主语是meteorites,修饰它的成分有两个,一个是found on Earth,另一个是long believed to have a Martian origin,两个冻死的成分之间以and 相连接。注意,这里不能把原句理解成是meteorites found on Earth and meteorites long believed to have a Martian origin的省略形式,这个表达是说有两种陨石,一种是地球上发现的,另一种来自于火星,原文所指的是同一批陨石的两个特征,发现于地球,来自于火星。

句子最后的by the impact on Mars of other meteorites读上云令人感到不舒服的原因,是the impact of other meteorites中的impact of 被修饰impact的on Mars分隔开了。


Recently some scientistshave concluded thatmeteorites found on Earthand long believedto have a Martian originmight actuallyhave been blastedfree of Mars’s gravityby the impacton  Mars ofother meteorites.

10、 Under the force of this view,it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pleasure and a means to urge people to right action,it might also be a means to distort truth and a source of misguided action)to the status of being wholly condemned. (4)




Under the forceof this view,it was perhaps inevitablethat the art of rhetoricshould pass fromthe status ofbeing regarded asof questionable worth(because althoughit might beboth a source of pleasureand a meansto urge people to right action,it might alsobe a meansto distort truthand a source ofmisguided action)to the status ofbeing wholly condemned.

11、 None of these translations to screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchy at the  conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee,which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan’s three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century,where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements. (4)


解释:本句是典型的层层修饰的例子,主句的宾语anarchy被修饰得不像话,以至于笔者用光了三层修饰符号也没有把所有的层次标全(anarchy)与at the conclusion of 之间未做标记,是后者修饰前者),其实这种句子无它,惟长而已,多练即可。


None of these translationsto screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchyat the  conclusion ofA Connecticut Yankee,which ends withthe violent overthrow of Morgan’sthree-year-old progressive orderand his returnto the nineteenth century,where he apparentlycommits suicideafter being labeleda lunaticfor his incoherent babblingsabout drawbridges and battlements.

12、 Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloys metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a noble metal together with a metalloid,such as alloys of palladium and silicon,or alloys consisting of iron,phosphorus,and carbon,although small discrepancies remained. (5)


解释:前面的分句中同时有两个成分修饰主语Calculations。宾语the experimentally determined value之后的、从from开始一直到although之前的内容修饰宾语,说明宾语中determine的具体方法。



Calculations of thedensity of alloysbased onBernal-type modelsof thealloys metal componentagreed fairly wellwith the experimentally determined valuesfrom measurementson alloys consisting ofa noble metaltogether with a metalloid,such as alloys ofpalladium and silicon,or alloysconsisting of iron,phosphorus,and carbon,although small discrepancies remained.

13、 And Walzer advocates as the means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality “the abolition of the power of money outside its sphere”.(4)



解释:本句是典型的倒装,本句的正常语序应该是:And Walzer advocates “the abolition of the power of money outside its sphere” as the means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality/,而句中则把advocates的宾语”the abolition of the poer of money outside its sphere”倒装到了句末。


And Walzer advocatesas the means ofeliminating this tyrannyand of restoring genuine equality “the abolition ofthe power of moneyoutside its sphere”.

14、 It is now established that the Milky Way is far more extended and of much greater mass than was hitherto thought.

15、 Is it not tyrannical, in Pascal’s sense, to insist that those who excel in “sensitivity” or “the ability to express compassion” merit equal wealth with those who excel in qualities (such as “the capacity for hard work”) essential in producing wealth? (5)



解释:句首的it是形式主语,其真正的内容在不定式中,insist引导的宾语从句中的谓语merit是句子的中心难点。因为我们通常只知道merit的名词词义,并不知道它也可以被用作动词,所以此处不容易看懂。其动词的意思是:应该得到……,值得….,英文释义为to deserve, be worthy of。另外,句子作为一个疑问句,却结构复杂,冗长不堪,也是本句难以读懂的一个重要原因。


Is it not tyrannical, in Pascal’s sense, to insist thatthose who excelin “sensitivity” or “the abilityto express compassion” merit equal wealthwith those whoexcel in qualities (such as “the capacity for hard work”) essential in producing wealth?

16、 Yet Waizer’s argument,however deficient,does point to one of the most serious weak-  nesses of capitalism-namely,that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. (5)


解释:第一个插入语however deficient 中的however在此不是转折连词,而是副词,等于no matter how,但是因为后面出现了no matter how,而作者又追求语言表述的多样性,所以作者在此使用了however deficient这样较为少见的(但在GRE考试中多见)的语言。

尽管本句的插入语较多,第二个插入语很长,但是本句的真正难点在倒装上。破折号后面的部分是主句宾语的同位语从句,此从句中固定搭配bring A to B被倒装成了bring to BA。如果把这句话恢复成正常语序,则是it brings people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their materiall rewards, often lask those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration to predominant positions in a society。很明显,这样的语序会显得头重脚轻。


Yet Waizer’s argument,however deficient,does pointto one of the mostserious weak-  nessesof capitalism-namely,that it bringsto predominant positionsin a societypeople who,no matterhow legitimatelythey have earnedtheir material rewards,often lackthose other qualitiesthat evokeaffection or admiration.

17、 The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature has been limited,hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty,even in the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically  satisfying translation,of completely conveying the original’s verse structure,tone,and syntax.(4 - )对美国印第安人传统口头文学的欣赏,一直被质量低劣的翻译所限制和妨碍,并且即使是那种不可多得的既体现着文化敏感性,又在美学上令人满意的译作,也难以完全传递出原作的诗体结构、语调和句法。

注:the difficulty (….) of:括号中的是插入语


解释:本句的插入语不好对付,一来它的长度比较长,而且修饰层次多,内容也不甚好懂,二来这个插入语正好嵌在difficulty of的中间,割裂了句意。


The appreciationof traditional oralAmerican Indian literaturehas been limited,hampered bypoor translationsand by the difficulty,even in therare culturally sensitiveand aesthetically  satisfying translation,of completely conveyingthe original’s verse structure,tone,and syntax.

18、 Mores, which embodied each culture’s ideal principles for governing every citizen, were developed in the belief that the foundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powers to be placed in service to the community. (4+)“风俗习惯”,体现了每一文化制约每个公民的理想准则,它是在这种信仰中发展而来的,即一个社会的基础在于个人能力的培养,并将这些个人能力置于对社会的服务之中。


解释:与前面的绝大多数句子相比,本句的结构算不上复杂。但是由于句意抽象,所以读到the cultivation of individuall powers to be placed in servicee to the comm.unity的时候容易读不懂,因为后面的这个不定式既有可能是修饰cultivation的,也有可能是修饰individual powers的。这里修饰的是后者。而且这里的individual powers to be placed in servicee to the comm.unity不应翻译成“individuall powers to serve the comm.unity”即可。此文强调这种individual power被置于一种位置、一种定位。当然这种细微的差别不一定会影响答题,但有时会对文章的理解产生影响。


Mores,which embodiedeach culture’sideal principlesfor governing every citizen,were developedin the belief thatthe foundation ofa communitylies inthe cultivation ofindividual powersto be placedin service tothe community.

19、 Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a useful description of participants  that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught us about the process of revolutionary mobilization. (5)
唯独在二月革命(the February Revolution)这一情形中,我们缺乏一种有用的有关参加者的描述,而这一描述则有可能按照社会历史有关革命动员过程所教给我们的内容来勾画出这场革命的性质。


解释:句首虽有一个倒装,但是这种简单结构并不能给我们的读者带来大的影响;倒是主句宾语a useful descryiption of participants之后的定语从句that might characterize it中的两个易混指代及其后的状语in the light of给我们的理解造成了巨大的困难。

首先,that从句所修饰的不是participants,而是description。紧随其后的it指的则是前面的February Revolution。判断这两点的惟一方法就是通过句子的意思,没有任何其他途径。后面的in the light of…是按照…、根据….的意思,其英文解释为from the point of view。后面的层层修饰虽然有一定的难度,但是我们已经在前面的句子中司空见惯,在此不多做解释。


Only in the case of the February Revolutiondo we lack a useful descriptionof participants  that might characterize itin the light ofwhat social historyhas taught usabout the process ofrevolutionary mobilization.

20、 As a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.(5)



解释:主句的主语it是形式主语,其真正内容在后面的两个由or连接的并列的不定式中,前一个不定式中出现了一个大型倒装,to establish /for a successful revolution/ a comprehensivee and trustworthy picture of those who participated 的正常语序是to establish a comprehensivee and trustworthy picture(of those who participated)/for a successful revolution。对于类似的结构,读者如果按照笔者的要求认真地过前面的难句,训练到现在已经有所感觉。正确的现场感觉是这样:看到established之后没有出现宾语,而是直接出现表示目的的for,句意不完整,大脑就会根据前面训练得出的经验自动判断可能有倒装的结构;读者本人的反应就是隐隐觉得后面应该有established的具体内容。因为有这种预期,读到a comprehensive and trustworthy picture的时候,正好可以把它与没有说完的established连在一起。

后面的不定式的宾语even the most basic questions之后有两个并列的宾语,第一个是省略了引导词的定语从句that one might pose,第二个分词修饰concerning the social origins of the insurgents。


As a consequence, it may prove difficultor impossibleto establishfor a successful revolutiona comprehensiveand trustworthy picture ofthose who participated, or to answereven the mostbasic questionsone might poseconcerning the social originsof the insurgents.

21、 Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the  cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of many disparate groups.(4)


解释:句子的结构拉得很长,主要原因是用来比较的两个when引导的状语从句都太长,句子的主干是Anthropologists are on much firmer ground/when…/than/when…/。结果more than的结构被长长的状语从句分隔得很远。

另外,第二个when 引导的从句中的宾语也很复杂,解释一个单词:nation-state指单一民族的国家。此单词的词义不必背下来。

解释:Anthropologists and othersare on much firmerground when theyattempt to describethe  cultural normsfor a smallhomogeneous tribeor villagethan when theyundertake the formidable taskof discoveringthe norms thatexist in a complexmodern nation statecomposed ofmany disparate groups.

22、 The Italian influence is likely, whatever Valdez immediate source: the Mexican carpas themselves are said to have originated from the theater pieces of a sixteenth-century Spanish writer inspired by encounters with Italian commedia dell’arte troupes on tour in Spain.(4+)



解释:本句的冒号以后的分句中的from 引导的状语的结构又是典型的层层修饰,再加上主句的内容,整个句子的意思很难理顺。到底是什么来自于什么?


The Italian influenceis likely, whatever Valdezimmediate source: the Mexican carpasthemselvesare said to haveoriginated from thetheater pieces ofa sixteenth-century Spanish writerinspired byencounters withItalian commedia dell’arte troupeson tour in Spain.

23、 It has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativity that these Chicano writers,whose English language works are sometimes uninspired,developed the powerful and arresting language that characterized their Spanish-language works. 因此,一般而言,正是通过对口头文学创造性的强调,这些奇卡诺作家——其英语作品时常显得缺乏灵感——才得以发展一种强有力的和富于吸引力的语言,并以此构成了他们西班牙语作品的特征。


解释:读者们阅读本句的时候一定感觉极其别扭。首先,我们尽管知道It has been …that..。这种结构是一种强调语气,但是It has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativeity that…看上去就极不舒服。当然从语法上讲这么说是可以的,可是我们确实很少见到it has been 和that之间插入这么多东西的说法。解释一下by way of的意思,就是通过什么样的方法、通过某种手段的意思。其英文释义为by the route of,同义词是via。


Thus, these Chicano writers, whose English-language works are sometimes uninspired, developed the powerfull and arresting languagee that characterized their Spanish-language works.generally by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativeity.


It has thusgenerally beenby way ofthe emphasis onoral literary creativity thatthese Chicano writers,whose English language worksare sometimes uninspired,developed the powerfuland arresting languagethat characterizedtheir Spanish-language works.

24、 To measure them properly,monitoring equipment would have to be laid out on a grid at intervals of at most 50 kilometers,with sensors at each grid point lowered deep in the ocean and kept there for many months.
为了恰当地测量它们,监测设备必须被设置在一网络上,彼此的间距最多为五十公里,位于每个网点的感应器沉放至海洋深处,并在许多个月中一直固定在那里。 (原书无此句)

25、 This declaration,which was echoed in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment,was designed primarily to counter the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford that Black people in the United States could be denied citizenship. (3)
这一在第十四条修正案的文本中被复述的宣言,主要是旨在对抗最高法院在“Dred Scott诉Sandford”一案中的判决,此判决裁定,在美国的黑人可被剥夺公民权。




This declaration,which was echoedin the text of the Fourteenth Amendment,was designedprimarily to counterthe Supreme Court’sruling in Dred Scott v. Sandfordthat Black peoplein the United Statescould be denied citizenship.

26、 The broad language of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write into the Constitution not a laundry list of specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids organized society from treating any individual as a member of an inferior class. (4)第十四条修正案的宽泛笼统的语言强烈地暗示,其制定者所意欲载入宪法的不是一张具体民法的细目清单,而是一种平等公民权的原则,这一原则禁止有组织的社会将任何一个个人作为劣等阶层的成员来对待。


解释:本句的倒装还算友好,into的介词宾语the Constitution比较短,然后马上是write的宾语。而且本句的结构也算合理,避免了头重脚轻。如果真按照正常语序来写,那么句子只有更难读懂。即:

The broad languagee of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write not a laundry list of specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids organized society from treating any individuall as a member of an inferior class into the Constitution.


The broad languageof the amendmentstrongly suggests thatits framerswere proposing towrite into the Constitutionnot a laundry list ofspecific civil rightsbut a principleof equal citizenshipthat forbidsorganized societyfrom treatingany individual asa member ofan inferior class.

27、 This doctrine has broadened the application of the Fourteenth Amendment to other,nonracial forms of discrimination,for while some justices have refused to find,any legislative  classification other than race to be constitutionally disfavored,most have been receptive to arguments that at least some nonracial discriminations. sexual Discrimination in particular,  are "suspect" and deserve this heightened scrutiny by the courts. (5)


解释:句子虽然长,结构却不是太难,相信坚持训练到这里的读者不会再感到句子太长、或者结构太难了。不过这句话还有两个难点的。一个是其中大量的法律方面的抽象词,另一个就是其中的一个三重否定:some justices have refused to find any legislative classification other than race to be constitutionally disfavored,实际上就是:some justices believe that only racial classification may be constitutionally disfavored或者some justices regard nonraciall discrimination to be constitutionally legitimate。


This doctrine hasbroadened the applicationof the Fourteenth Amendmentto other,nonracial formsof discrimination,for whilesome justices haverefused to find,any legislative  classificationother than raceto be constitutionally disfavored,most have been receptiveto arguments thatat least some nonracial discriminations. sexual Discriminationin particular,  are "suspect"and deserve thisheightened scrutinyby the courts.




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