
GRE Issue13范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-20


       GRE Issue13(同样适用于46、70、102、112、140)范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-13.Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.




I strongly disagree what the argument that university students should take various courses outside their field of study. In the first place, the fact that every student has distinctive personality of his or her own that should not be ignored. So several questions emerge. Is it suitable for some students who have deep enthusiasm on their field of study to take various courses? Are they willing to take such courses? What is the scope of the various courses? From a practical perspective, is it necessary to add to the already heavy burdens of specialized students? Unless these questions can be addressed, the argument is a poor one.





Before considering what course content to include in an education, one should first consider what education is. Socrates theory of education, for example, claimed that one should look into oneself and find the spark of truth that God has put into every heart. This spark of truth could be kindled into a flame. Despite theological ideology undertones, this says a lot about education—the individual is an important subject to consider when preparing education. It is not useful to insist that everyone take a variety of courses but that a variety of courses are offered to everybody. More specifically, it is important to offer not just a variety of courses, but a track of diverse courses that are diverse in that they lend a better overall understanding in an area of study but not so diverse that they distract from one another. In short, one should consider quality over quantity.


第二段与题目中的两个关键概念相呼应,先论述了教育是什么。如果题目中主张大学要求学生学习专业之外的多种课程,那么则需要看这种行为是否符合教育的本质,是否能达到教育的目的,因此明确what education is是必要的。作者选取苏格拉底对教育的定义作为例证,简述了教育对个人应是怎样的体验。随后作者论述了学生个体的个性是需要遵循的,也就是不赞成题中所说的让every student学习专业外的多种课程。  



No educational policy should be set in place that is counterproductive and so, in conclusion, one must first consider true education. When the spirit of education is in mind, one must consider the natural inclination of the individual.  When these two matters are taken into account, then a set of subjects can be offered for study—not mandated—for the benefit of the individual.







一、 语言表达

1、Is it suitable for some students who have deep enthusiasm on their field of study to take various courses? 这一句是基于一个it作形式主语的句子的一般疑问句。形式主语it代表的真正主语是句末的不定式to take various courses。句中还嵌套了一个who引导的定语从句修饰先行词students。形式主语和定语从句的使用使整句的平衡感得到保证。文中还有多处句子用到it引导的形式主语,可注意观察。

2、It is not useful to insist that everyone take a variety of courses but that a variety of courses are offered to everybody. 除了和上一句一样使用了it作为形式主语外,这句话的insist有命令、要求之意,其后的that引导的宾语从句需要使用虚拟语气,多为should+动词原形,但should通常省略,于是直接加动词原形,即此处的take。

二、 逻辑结构
与很多有五、六自然段的文章不同,这篇文章只有三段,因此也是文章逻辑结构显而易见。首段提出观点,分析问题;中间段论述;尾段总结。作者认识到题中的两个关键概念是every student和a variety of courses outside one’s field of study。因此在首段分析问题时,分析了这两者在教育过程中的关联。中间段即围绕这两者展开,先说了教育的精神(是否需要学习专业之外的诸多课程),后谈到学生个体的倾向。最后一段将关于二者的论述整合在一起,得出作者的观点。文中苏格拉底的素材作为论述支持是个不错的选择,表现了作者是一个关注思想研究的人,比较成熟。




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