
GRE Argument12范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-01-17


       GRE Argument12范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。


The following appearedin a memorandum from a dean at Omega University.

“Fifteen years ago, OmegaUniversity implemented a new procedure that encouraged students to evaluate theteaching effectiveness of all their professors. Since that time, Omegaprofessors have begun to assign higher grades in their classes, and overallstudent grade averages at Omega have risen by thirty percent. Potentialemployers apparently believe the grades at Omega are inflated; this wouldexplain why Omega graduates have not been as successful at getting jobs as havegraduates from nearby Alpha University. To enable its graduates to securebetter jobs, Omega University should now terminate student evaluation ofprofessors.”


In this memo Omega University’s dean points out that Omega graduates areless successful in getting jobs than Alpha University graduates, despite thefact that during the past 15 years the overall grade average of Omega studentshas risen by 30%. The dean indicates that during the past 15 years Omega hasencouraged its students to evaluate the effectiveness of their professors. Thedean reasons that student evaluations led professors to increase grades, whichhas, in turn, created a perception among employers that the grades of Omega graduatesare not actually representative of their real quality. The dean concludes thatto enable Omega graduates enjoy better job placement, the university mustterminate its professor-evaluation procedure. This argument is unconvincingbecause it contains several flaws in logic.





One problem with the argument is that the current evaluation process is nota mandatory one and the dean doesn’t state how many people participated. Thedean provides no evidence about the number of students or percentage of thestudy body who participate in the procedure. Without such evidence, drawing alink between the evaluation of professors and their grading trends is notpossible. Without such a link, an audience cannot be expected to accept thatthe termination of the above-mentioned evaluation would, in fact, have anyeffect on grading.





The argument is based on the assumption that the grade-average increase issomehow related to the evaluation procedure rather than some other phenomenon.The dean ignores a host of other possible explanations for the increase. Forexample, a trend at Omega toward higher admission standards, or higher qualityinstruction or facilities could have produced the increased grades. Withoutruling out this or other possible explanations for the grade-average increase,the dean cannot expect to convince an audience that by terminating theevaluation procedure Omega would curb its perceived grade inflation, let alonehelp its graduates get jobs.





Even if the evaluation procedure has resulted in grade inflation at Omega,the dean’s claim that grade inflation explains why Omega graduates are lesssuccessful than Alpha graduates in getting jobs is unjustified. The deanoverlooks a myriad of other possible reasons for Omega’s comparatively poorjob-placement record. Perhaps Omega’s career services are inadequate. PerhapsOmega’s curriculum does not prepare students for the job market as effectivelyas Alpha’s. In short, without the true results of a comparative analysis, thereis no way we can determine that this is why graduates have been lesssuccessfully placed.





Even if the dean can prove the assumptions, his assertion that Omega mustterminate its evaluation procedure to enable its graduates to find better jobsis still unwarranted. First, the dean ignores other ways that Omega couldpotentially increase its job-placement record. For example, by improving itspublic relations or career-counseling services, the university may be able togain a better reputation and deliver better potential employees. Second, thedean seems to equate “more” jobs with “better” jobs—there is no analysis of thejobs that Alpha graduates were placed in. In other words, even if more Omega graduates were able to find jobs as aresult of the dean’s recommended course of action, the kinds of jobs Omegagraduates find would not necessarily be better ones.





In sum, the dean’s argument is not persuasive. To strengthen the argument,the dean must provide a clear link between grade average, the professor-evaluationprocedure and employer perception. Evidence that might establish this linkcould include: the percentage of Omega students participating in the evaluationprocedure, Omega’s admission standards and quality of education, and Omega’semphasis on job training and career preparation.








1)In this memo … points out that …. The dean indicates that…. The dean reasons that ….(引出原文为支持其结论所引用的一系列的荒谬论据。)The dean concludesthat ….(标志性的Argument开头段引出原文结论的语言表达形式。)This argument isunconvincing because it contains several flaws in logic.(标志性的指出文章错误的语言表达。整体开头段是标准的C—E—F的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

2)One problem with the argument is that … and the deandoesn’t state …. The dean provides no evidence about …. Without such evidence,drawing a link between … and … is not possible. Without such a link, anaudience cannot be expected to accept that ….(标志性的调查类错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

3)The argument is based on the assumption that … is somehowrelated to … rather than some other phenomenon. The dean ignores a host ofother possible explanations for …. For example, …. Without ruling out this orother possible explanations for …, the dean cannot expect to convince anaudience that ….(标志性的忽略他因错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

4)Even if …, the dean’s claim that … is unjustified. Thedean overlooks a myriad of other possible reasons for …. Perhaps …. Perhaps ….In short, without the true results of a comparative analysis, there is no waywe can determine that this is why ….(标志性的忽略他因错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

5)Even if the dean can prove the assumptions, his assertionthat … is still unwarranted. First, the dean ignores other ways that … could ….For example, …. Second, the dean seems to equate … with … —there is no analysisof …. In other words, even if … as a result of the dean’s recommended course ofaction, ….(标志性的因果类错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

6)In sum, the dean’s argument is not persuasive. Tostrengthen the argument, the dean must provide a clear link between …. Evidencethat might establish this link could include: ….(标志性的Argument结尾段的Conclusion—Suggestion体系的语言和逻辑模版体系。)



(开头段)In this memo … points out that ….

(正文段1)Oneproblem with the argument is that ….

(正文段2)Theargument is based on the assumption that … is somehow related to … rather thansome other phenomenon.

(正文段3)Evenif …, the dean’s claim that … is unjustified.

(正文段4)Evenif the dean can prove the assumptions, his assertion that … is stillunwarranted.

(结尾段)In sum, the dean’sargument is not persuasive.

特别值得一提的是本文正文第四段的写作。该段首先通过Even if the dean canprove the assumptions, his assertion that Omega must terminate its evaluationprocedure to enable its graduates to find better jobs is still unwarranted.一句严谨地指出原文中出现的因果类错误。接下来,段落通过First, the dean ignores other ways that Omega couldpotentially increase its job-placement record. For example, by improving itspublic relations or career-counseling services, the university may be able togain a better reputation and deliver better potential employees. Second, thedean seems to equate “more” jobs with “better” jobs—there is no analysis of thejobs that Alpha graduates were placed in. In other words, even if more Omegagraduates were able to find jobs as a result of the dean’s recommended courseof action, the kinds of jobs Omega graduates find would not necessarily bebetter ones.递进地对该错误进行深入分析,充分展现出了正文段严密的逻辑思路。




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