
GRE Issue22范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-01-20


       GRE Issue-22范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-22.Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models because heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.


The claim above asserts that to understand the character of society it is most useful to examine the character of the men and women that are boosted up as heroes and role models. I disagree with this assertion. Let’s examine the argument.





To begin with, heroes and role models do reflect mainstream values and the assertions, on this point, are valid. For example, Rev. Martin Luther King, an equal rights activist, is admired by th emajority of American people because his ideas reflected their feelings—that all men are created equal. Without the efforts of Martin Luther King, blacks in America may still have been facing inequality today. Similarly, in the fight against gender bias, Susan Stanton and Elizabeth B. Thorn have been remembered andregarded for their contribution in paving the way for women rights, which,again, reflects the values of American society.


非常明显的总分结构。第一句话趁人英雄模范确实反映了社会主流价值观。在此层面上,题目中的主张是valid的。也就是说,作者认为研究英雄模范可以作为研究社会特征的一个切入点。作者举了马丁路德金以及Susan Stanton与Elizabeth B. Thorn的例子,解释这些人物如何反映了社会的大潮流和主要需求。  



Let’s have a look at the argument from another angle. As we all know, the US is best characterized by diversity. In societies like America, I don’t think that the hero’s and role models necessarily reflect the character of the country. If we were to accept the argument that hero’s and role models in America reflect the people in general, we will have discounted a number of different cultural characteristics that are important within American society. This is the characteristic that makes America. It is the common dream of the people that anyone can be a hero, not just Superman or Steve jobs.





In summary, from all the discussions above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the author is fundamentally right in pointing out one way to learn the character of society. However, the method doesn’t work for studying all cultures, especially cultures which were founded in cultural diversity.








1.The claim above asserts that to understand the character of society it is most useful to examine the character of the men and women that are boosted up as heroes and role models. 文章的第一句用多层从句表达了作者对题目的解读。首先,第一层中,assert后有that引导的宾语从句,整个to和后面的内容都是主语claim的宾语。接下来第二层,分句it is most useful to…是主语从句,it作为分句的形式主语代替to examine及其后的内容。第三层,men and women后that的内容是宾语从句,修饰men and women。

2.…Susan Stanton and Elizabeth B. Thorn have been remembered and regarded for their contribution in paving the way for women rights, which,again, reflects the values of American society. 这一句中使用了pave the way短语,表示为……铺平道路,显得很地道。Which引导的定语从句修饰的是前方的contribution一词。

3.It is the common dream of the people that anyone can be a hero,not just Superman or Steve jobs. 这一句看似是that后接同位语从句,但其实还是it作为形式主语代替that后真正的主语。如果本句是同位语从句,那么it是真正主语,但这是it指代的事物并不清晰,因此还是作为主语从句理解为佳。





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