
GRE Issue73范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-07


       GRE Issue73范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-73. Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.



There are more and more complaints from students who find that what they learn in classroom can hardly be directly applied to job related tasks. There seems to be a gap between the courses content and the reality at work. If faculty worked outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach, it may help provide more satisfactory educational experience given the practical demands that can be expected of the students in their future career. However, one must be reasonable in their expectations because not all fields would benefit from having the instructor work outside of the educational institution.





It is not necessarily guaranteed that, with experience outside of the classroom, instruction in the classroom can be improved. Generally there are two categories of disciplines with different purposes of education in universities: one is to train students with practical skills which put them at more advantageous position in the job markets (engineering or law school), another aims at cultivating well-rounded persons (history, philosophy, or some theoretical science). The education in these disciplines does not guarantee the students to earn more money but to cultivate such abilities of independent and critical thinking, creativity and the desire to explore the unknown territories.





Let’s address the faculties responsible for training students with practical skills. For these instructors, the experience outside the classroom in a professional job can help improve the quality of their instructions. The job outside can keep the faculty member up to date with developing problems and methods in the field. Based on the understanding, they can better design the contents of their courses to prepare their students to face real job challenges. A more accurate classroom experience would enable students to better select careers related to their interests.





However, let’s consider the other side of education—the arts. One of the obvious difficulties for these faculties is that there are only a few professional related jobs for them outside of educational institutions. Except for universities and research institutes, seldom require the assistance of a historian, for example. If these faculties were required to find a related job outside of the education institution, the quality of the instruction from these faculties might not improve at all. Their skills depend on the deep understanding as a result of long time independent thinking, analyzing, synthesis, and discussion with colleagues not from the experience outside. A job outside might just prove to be a distraction and detract from their ability to provide a good educational experience.


前两句提出了培养基本技能类学科(the arts)的教师去从事校外的相关领域工作并不现实。接下来解释了现实中并没有太多工作机会可以提供,而且这些学科的教学质量也不会因为校外工作经验而提高,而是通过长期的研究,思考分析,与同事讨论等等。在校外工作反而是教师分心,影响教学。  



In conclusion, before mandating that all educators be required to take up a career outside of the education institution, it would be prudent to consider whether that experience would enrich or detract from the course content.








1、There seems to be a gap between the courses content and the reality at work. 这句话乍一看并无特别之处,但有一个词用得比较好,那就是gap。这个词非常简单,可是有时候想表达“差距、距离、差异”的时候考生却未必能想起来这个最简单却好用的词。本句中它指的是course content和reality at work的差距。

2、It is not necessarily guaranteed that, with experience outside of the classroom, instruction in the classroom can be improved. 这句话用到了形式主语,it指代that后面的内容,即句子的真正主语。仔细看句子的真正主语,你会发现方式状语with experience…classroom提前了,因为这是作者想强调的内容,也是本文话题的要素之一。

3、In conclusion, before mandating that all educators be required to take up a career outside of the education institution, it would be prudent to consider whether that experience would enrich or detract from the course content. 本文的最后一句话中,作者用到了mandate一词。它的意思是强制执行、责令;接下来的短语take up在此是“从事”的意思,后面接与工作、职业有关的词语。





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