
GRE Issue77范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-07


       GRE Issue77范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-77.The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.



After careful and objective analysis about the issue (understanding contemporary culture of a nation through analyzing the trends of its youth), I would like to present a position that deviates only slightly from the argument. The culture of the youth makes up a subculture or developing part of the contemporary culture but we cannot ignore other representative groups by whom contemporary culture is defined.





Firstly, analyzing the behavior of the youth is an effective way to understand some parts of the contemporary culture. Youth are part of the present and will certainly be part of the future of a nation and its culture. In studying their actions we’re able to comprehend some parts of the culture better. For example, China is called the nation of table tennis for the outstanding performance of its table tennis players. In China, it is common to see people playing table tennis, however most of them are young people who are always active and energetic. In this case, it is mainly through the youth that we can gather the idea that table tennis is popular in china. Therefore, some aspects of a culture are certainly represented in the youth.      





Secondly, youth more prepared to accept new things and therefore apt to be influenced by foreign culture. With the multinational cooperation and intercommunication in many fields culture of different nations interacts giving birth to multi-culture. This new culture is not so much representative of a nation on a whole but on the trajectory or path of culture in the nation in question. Nowadays, in China, for example, it is ordinary to see members of the youth group coloring his or her hair or wearing strange clothes. These behaviors do not represent the culture of China in its entirety but signal a change in culture.





Finally, studying the trends of youth is far from sufficient if one wishes to gain a full knowledge of the contemporary culture of a nation. It is obvious that the habits and hobbies of the youth differ so greatly from that of the older generation. People at every age group are representative of a culture at any given historical moment. Therefore, we have to make a comprehensive observation to both the older generations and the youth to gain a clearer idea of a culture.


总分结构。第一句提出本段主旨。其余的句子说明年轻人和older generation的喜好并不同,每一个年龄层的人群都代表文化的一个方面。尾句得出结论,全面了解需要研究年轻人和相对年长的群体。  



In conclusion, the argument presented above, that a study of youth lends to an understanding of contemporary culture is only partly true. Through the discussion above, we can easily reach the conclusion that studying the trends of one group allows us comprehend only parts of a culture better. However, only through a comprehensive study covering people of all age can we really know the temporary culture of a nation.







一、 语言表达

1、After careful and objective analysis about the issue…, I would like to present a position that deviates only slightly from the argument. 这句话中的亮点词是deviate,与后面的from连用,表示偏离了某事物。作者还用了only slightly来修饰deviate的程度,使读者知道他/她的意见到底如何。很多考生或许苦恼表达意见的方法过于简单枯燥,除了agree或disapprove等老词不知该用什么。这句话是表达立场的一个新的典型。

2、This new culture is not so much representative of a nation on a whole but on the trajectory or path of culture in the nation in question. 有些考生也许会觉得trajectory这个词有点陌生,但作者在其后同时用了path来提醒大家,这两词基本上是一个意思。但一般人都会觉得前者显得更高深一些。Trajectory是指轨道、轨迹、途径,也有抽象的发展轨迹之意。用在这里提示读者年轻人接受的新文化只是国家文化的一个方向。

3、Finally, studying the trends of youth is far from sufficient if one wishes to gain a full knowledge of the contemporary culture of a nation. 在句子中使用far from来表达not的意思,显然要比直接用not或insufficient更加给人将英语玩弄于鼓掌之间的感觉。

4、In conclusion, the argument presented above, that a study of youth lends to an understanding of contemporary culture is only partly true. 不要忘了本句中使用到的短语lend to除了字面上的“借给…”的意思之外,还有“增添,赋予…以”的意思。

二、 逻辑结构
本文的逻辑简洁明了,完整严谨。因为作者采取的立场是年轻人的文化只是一国文化的一部分,想要了解完整的当代文化,其他群体也不能忽视,所以在论述中应该涵盖年轻人文化、其他群体(older generation)文化与一国文化的关系。作者先后解释了年轻人的文化在哪方面代表了一国文化,在哪方面不能代表一国文化,年轻人文化是否足以代表一国文化(其他群体的位置)三个方面的理由,完整地进行了论述。




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