
GRE Issue87范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-09


       GRE Issue87范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-87. Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future because much of the information that people assumed was factual actually turned out to be inaccurate.



Should we doubt every bit of information that we encounter? While so much we take for granted has, in fact, turned out to be incorrect over time, I think it would be impossible to question everything. The impracticality of such an activity would outweigh any benefit it may offer us.





To begin with, the argument asserts that every fact may one day be proven false. Actually, facts never change. For example, the Medieval Church and Inquisition persecuted Bruno for his beliefs about the planet but the fact never changed—the earth is far from being the center of the universe despite the hopes of religious zealots at the time. Equally, no matter how Edison had tried to incite public fear and distrust regarding alternating current electricity, the fact never changes that Tesla's electrical system turned out to be vastly superior to his direct current.





While facts don’t change, subjective interpretations of facts do. Human knowledge and comprehensive capability is limited. Humans use insufficient information or even false understanding to arrive at what they consider to be fact. For example, in ancient times, people believed a man could become sick because he offended spirits. Contemporary people recognize that it is infection, not spirits, that cause diseases.





To sum up, while humans will inevitably arrive at wrong conclusions and label them facts, I essentially disagree with the assertion that facts will always prove to be untrue. I propose that, rather than questioning everything that is referred to as a fact, we more carefully consider the facts that are presented to us, making ourselves aware of who, and how the fact was arrived at and be, in general, a more prudent student.








1、While so much we take for granted has, in fact, turned out to be incorrect over time, I think it would be impossible to question everything. 整个第一段的亮点已经多到不整段拿出来说就不过瘾,以这句为例,先用到了take (sth) for granted的短语,表示“认为…是理所当然”;随后in fact作为插入语,强调了题目所说的情况的确在现实中发生;turn out短语表示“原来是,结果是”;最后是形式主语it代替不定式的真正主语to question everything。

2、The impracticality of such an activity would outweigh any benefit it may offer us. 本句的outweigh一词,是“在(重要性等)方面超过”的意思。同样是进行比较,使用outweigh比more…than更显技高一筹。

3、For example …the earth is far from being the center of the universe despite the hopes of religious zealots at the time. 这一句中用到了far from这个固定搭配,表示一种否定的含义,比简单使用not要地道一些,显得语言更多样化。后面的zealot一词是“狂热分子”的意思,尤指宗教上、政治上的热心者。

4、Contemporary people recognize that it is infection, not spirits, that cause diseases. 这句话使用了宾语从句,宾语从句同时是一个使用了插入语的强调句。具体来说,not spirits作为插入语,强调了引发疾病的并不是神灵,而是前面说的infection,在it is…that的强调句型下,可见作者多么想强调该部分内容。从而提醒读者,对待facts要严谨,与本段论点相合。





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