
GRE Issue90范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-12


       GRE Issue90范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-90. In regards to technological development, the primary objective should be increasing efficiency to produce more free time for people.



The argument asserts that the primary goal of technological advancement should be to improve people’s efficiency. I concede that technological advancement does increase efficiency. Further advancement should be meant to increase efficiency, but producing more leisure is only one of the reasons to do so.





I concede that technological innovation has increased people’s efficiency. Just consider the wide used computer technology. The design tools and software help to decrease working time and facilitate efficiency. People can access vast resources of information online instead of going to the library to browse through hundreds or thousands of books. In our daily life, modern transportation allows us to travel to places in amounts of time that were never before possible.





The effect of technology is amazing but I am still against the speaker’s claim in two regards. For one thing, I consider that the primary role carried out by technological advancement far outreach what the speaker defines as simple as increasing efficiency. The central mission of technology should be the tackling of the most urgent problem of modern society. World hunger, medical care, environmental conservation, and so on. The main objective in creating newer technology shouldn’t be to make things more efficient but to make systems more effective.





Let’s consider, for the sake of the argument that the objective of creating more efficient technologies was in order to make more free time. Many times, technology makes us faster. For example, computers can help us generate more information. The more information we can produce, the faster we can work. The faster we can work, the faster we can get our work done. The faster our work gets done, the more free time we should have for leisure. Right? Sounds right. However, the reality of the situation is that the faster we work, the greater the expectations are placed on us. Therefore, as our efficiency increases, so too does our work load.





The argument presented above is too simple to constitute further consideration. There are many reasons why we should consider further technological innovation, efficiency being one of them. And there are many purposes for being more efficient; having more time is only one of them.








1、Further advancement should be meant to increase efficiency, but producing more leisure is only one of the reasons to do so. 这句话中值得注意的是be meant to的短语,它的意思是“照道理应该,旨在”。后面的to do so的so代替前面的increase efficient。

2、In our daily life, modern transportation allows us to travel to places in amounts of time that were never before possible. 作者在这句话里用到了一个比较地道的搭配,即never before。其实本句换成never possible before也完全没有问题,而且很多母语为汉语的学生会自然而然地想到这个语序,但never before可以看成一个固定搭配,表示“不曾发生,不曾有过”,常见于很多英文媒体,推荐使用。

3、For one thing, I consider that the primary role carried out by technological advancement far outreach what the speaker defines as simple as increasing efficiency. 本句中用得很好的一个词是outreach,这个词既有名词词性又有动词词性,此处是及物动词,表示超过、超越……的范围。后面的as simple as用作比较也非常地道。

4、There are many reasons why we should consider further technological innovation, efficiency being one of them. 这句话用到了现在分词做伴随状语,如果变成并列句的话,是将逗号后面的部分变成and efficiency is one of them。





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