
GRE Issue96范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-02-13


       GRE Issue96范文展示;从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-96. A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.



Nations should not require that all students study the identical curriculum. Only in cases where all children learned the same way and all teachers taught the same way could every child were presented with the same material. Neglecting differences in learning and teaching styles would stifle creativity. Furthermore, there are inherent dangers in uniform education—the system could very easily be misused. Developing a national curriculum is a bad idea.


文章第一句直截了当表明国家不应令所有学生学习一致的课程。第二句指出教授一样的课程需要所有教师以同样的方式教,所有学生以同样方式学,接着在第三句指出这扼杀了创造力。第四句进一步指出“uniform education”存在内在危险性。第五句再次申明实施全国统一的课程并不明智。  



Children all learn in very different ways. Standardization leaves little room for exploratory learning. One child may learn how to spell from reading, another may learn from phonics. If the curriculum is standardized, it may not favor different learners equally. While national curriculum is a bad idea, general requirements are essential.





Teachers all have different methods of teaching. If say, the English curriculum of all high schools was standardized, and then a book that one teacher teaches excellently and uses to inspire students might be eliminated. While that teacher ought to be capable enough to teach the curriculum books, his or her students will still be missing out on what might have been the greatest learning experience that teacher had to offer. Realistically, learning is based on enthusiasm. National standardization could eliminate that to the detriment of everyone.





Learning should be enjoyable and children and adolescents should be taught not only the curriculum in school, but that the body of knowledge that exists in the world today. Having a national curriculum implies that there is a set group of things worth learning for every person. Maybe this is true, but for students, it sets up a world where there is a finite amount of knowledge to be acquired and only tests to look forward to. Teaching a standard curriculum doesn’t encourage inquiries, it doesn’t encourage students ask develop the capacity for critical analysis. School’s real purpose is teaching people to learn, not just teaching them a set group of facts. By teaching them to learn, students can continue to learn on their own. They will be able to extend skills from one area of knowledge to another. This type of learning fosters creativity that can be used not only in math, science or English, but also in art, music, or creative writing. Teaching a brain to go beyond being a file cabinet for facts is the best way to teach creativity. Standardization is a nail in the coffin for creativity.





There are many reasons not to standardize the curriculum and too many reasons to celebrate individuality. The creativity of a nation as a whole would fall with a standardized curriculum. There is no person, no group, and no committee capable of deciding what to be included in a standardized national curriculum. The wide variety of information and identities in every country need to be sung. Curriculum should have standards, but it should not be standardized.







通过本文可以看出,作者能够熟练而地道地实用英语进行GRE issue作文的写作,表达自己的观点并进行论述。文中不少词语和表达的选用很精妙,不仅令本文生色,还对其他备考生有一定启发作用。

1、If the curriculum is standardized, it may not favor different learners equally. 本句中的favor是及物动词,表示有利于、有助于,即benefit,help,或者be to the advantage of的意思。考生在想表达类似意思的时候可以选用favor,显得很地道。

2、If say, the English curriculum of all high schools was standardized, and then a book that one teacher teaches excellently and uses to inspire students might be eliminated. 这句话开头的if say是一个在英文媒体中经常见到的搭配,意为“假如说”,表示假设,因此本句也是采用了虚拟语气,叙述实际中没有发生的情况。

3、While that teacher ought to be capable enough to teach the curriculum books, his or her students will still be missing out on what might have been the greatest learning experience that teacher had to offer. 首先说这句话中的短语miss out (on sth),是“错失、错过…良机”的意思。此外,句尾的that teacher had to offer中含有一个sb have to offer的固定搭配,意思是“某人能够提供的”,举例来说,它常见于主语/宾语从句中的“what we have to offer”,这里的have就是动词拥有的意思,而不是和to连成have to表示不得不。

4、Standardization is a nail in the coffin for creativity. 作者在这句话中使用了一个惯用语——a nail in the coffin,或者可以说成a nail in sb’s coffin,字面上看是指棺材里的一根钉子,实际上的意思是指促使某人早日灭亡的东西,致命一击。

5、There are many reasons not to standardize the curriculum and too many reasons to celebrate individuality. 这句话中celebrate的意思不是最常见的“庆祝”,而是“颂扬、赞美”的意思。同样的还有全文倒数第二句的…to be sung中的sing,除了唱歌之一,也有赞美的意思。





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