
GRE Issue 104 (107) 范文+逐段点评+全篇总评

作者:极智批改网 来源:极智批改网 2014-03-22


        GRE Issue 104 (107) 范文展:从结构和功能两方面针对每个段落进行精细点评;从语言表达和逻辑分析上剖析整篇文章的满分要素。绝对的权威解读。

Issue-104 (107). To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.




As public officials, leaders will influence society. Ethics and morals are widely accepted standards for members of a society to assess other members. I strongly agree that effective leaders who influence society should maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.






Although unique from laws, ethics and morality are considered subjective standards set forth by society. While the standards are subjective, they must still be regarded highly because of how commonly they are held. For instance, western and eastern countries view sexual morality separately, but in both of the cultures, it is commonly held that husband and wife should be loyal to each other. This is a widely accepted moral standard and in order to guarantee social stability, leaders in any society who adheres to these beliefs should, him or herself, uphold that code.






Public officials are compensated with money paid by citizens in the form of taxes. So, not only do public officials serve society, they represent society. As representatives, and in exchange for the opportunity to both serve and make a living, it should be required that public officials and leaders uphold the highest moral and ethical standards. If they do not maintain the highest ethical and moral standards, they will lose trust of the people and in turn lose their ability to effectively govern. Since ethics and morality are widely admired by society, they are good advisors to a public figure, for him to know what is and what is not acceptable in terms of behavior in office.






Nevertheless, such concerns do not mean all public officials should take care of their life in ethical and moral aspects under all situations. When it comes to some private and insignificant questions, public officials should have their freedom and human rights, just as any other member of society. The most important aim is to ensure that leaders will be good examples, will not make harmful decisions and will uphold the fabric of society.






In conclusion, upholding the highest ethical and moral standards should be a requisite for public officials. Society should carefully assess those it chooses to serve and represent them. Most importantly, society should be able to trust those individuals as good examples and pillars in the community.









一、 语言表达


1.     Although unique from laws, ethics and morality are considered subjective standards set forth by society. 这句中的unique与from连用是很正确的,表示与…相比是独特的,与be different from的用法类似。此外,set forth是一个固定搭配,表示阐明,在这里可以理解为是社会中大家都懂,即公认的。


2.     So, not only do public officials serve society, they represent society. 虽然这句话没有明显地出现but also的字样,但前面的not only还是显示出这句话表达的是“不仅…还…”的意思,递进关系。


3.     If they do not maintain the highest ethical and moral standards, they will lose trust of the people and in turn lose their ability to effectively govern. 这句话里的短语in turn除了表示轮流、依次的意思之外,还表示“转而,反过来”,本句中即是后者的意思。


4.     The most important aim is to ensure that leaders will be good examples, will not make harmful decisions and will uphold the fabric of society. 这句话中的uphold一词在前文中也有出现。这是一个GRE词汇,表示支持、维护的意思,可以接抽象名词如决定、尊严、意见、规定等,也可以接具体名词如屋顶。


二、 逻辑结构






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